Found 807 results
Hey, it's not right away.
Alita: Battle Angel
So, Vector? Is that your connection for getting into Zalem? Yeah.
Alita: Battle Angel
I wound up hanging out with Vector.
Alita: Battle Angel
Some alcohol was involved.
Alita: Battle Angel
What happened to you?
Alita: Battle Angel
Alita: Battle Angel
Tell me about this friend of yours. Alita?
Alita: Battle Angel
What are you talking about? I can't be a pro Motorball player.
Alita: Battle Angel
Is that her name? Alita. Hmm.
Alita: Battle Angel
You become a big Motorball star, make a pile of money... we can go to Zalem together.
Alita: Battle Angel
Vector wants you to try out for Second League. What?
Alita: Battle Angel
Maybe there's another way.
Alita: Battle Angel
Alita: Battle Angel
Put it back.
Alita: Battle Angel