Dude. - What? - Let's go talk to ourselves. Excellent. - What did we say, anyways? - I don't know. Let's go find out.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
I think it's working, dude.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Come on, So-crates.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Ready, Ted? - Ready, Bill. Let's go back into history.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
I need help. I got a live one here.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
If we were one of the greatest generals in history... ...and we were stranded in San Dimas for one day... ...where would we go? Waterloo!
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
- This is Ted's little brother, Deacon. - Hi. He'll take care of you.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Eleven children, please. Are you okay?
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Let's bag him. - Yeah.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Gentlemen, is everything all right? Yeah, except how come the number we dialed for San Dimas... ...brought us here instead of to tomorrow, Rufus? Because in San Dimas it is tomorrow, William. You have to dial one number higher.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
I don't believe his clothes.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Why be soft and flabby when you can be firm and trim? When you can have a body that cries: "Look at me! Admire me!" With our specialized weight-training and aerobics program... ... we can help you attain the kind of body you've only dreamed of having. All right, let's go, ladies!
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Oh, my God. You both seem to be suffering from a mild form of hysteria. - God! - You are such a geek. Way to go, egghead. - Geek. - What is a geek?
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
... while the masses possess little but their television sets. This dichotomy led to a revolution... ... in which Antoinette and her husband were beheaded. Today, leaders are impeached rather than beheaded.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
We'll be back as soon as we find Napoleon, okay?
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
How are we going to find him?
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Take it easy there! - Stop! Hold it right there! Cut that guy off!