Hi. I'm Dory. - Hello, Dory. - And, uh, well... I don't think I've ever eaten a fish. - That's incredible. - Good on you, mate. I'm glad I got that off my chest. All right, anyone else? How about you, mate? What's your problem? Me? I don't have a problem. Oh, OK. - Denial. - Aah! Just start with your name. OK. Uh, hello. My name is Marlin. I'm a clownfish. - A clownfish? Really? - Tell us a joke. I love jokes. I actually do know one that's pretty good. There was this mollusk... and he walks up to a sea cucumber. Normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers... but in a joke, everyone talks... so the sea mollusk says to the cucumber...
Finding Nemo
That's all right, Chum. I had a feeling this would be a difficult step. You can help yourself to one of my friends. Thanks, mate. A little chum for Chum, eh? I'll start the testimonies. Hello. My name is Bruce. Hello, Bruce. It has been three weeks since my last fish. On my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup. - You're an inspiration! - Amen.
Finding Nemo
Anchor! Chum! There you are, Bruce. Finally. - We got company. - It's about time, mate. We've already gone through the snacks... and I'm still starving. We almost had a feeding frenzy. Come on, let's get this over with.
Finding Nemo
No, Bruce, focus. Sorry about Bruce, mate. He's really a nice guy. I need to get that mask. You want that mask? OK. No, no, no, no, no, no! Quick, grab the mask!
Finding Nemo
There's no way out! There's got to be a way to escape!
Finding Nemo
Aw, is the party over?
Finding Nemo
Ohh. Barbara, what's my earliest appointment tomorrow? -10:00, luv. - Leave it open, would you? I've gotta clean the fish tank before Darla gets here. Did you hear that, Sharkbait? Yay! He's gonna clean the tank! We're gonna be clean! You ready to see your dad, kid? - Uh-huh. - Of course you are. I wouldn't be surprised if he's out there... in the harbor waiting for you right now. Yeah.
Finding Nemo
Flo? Has anybody seen Flo? 9:00 and cue dentist. Hello, Barbara. Sorry I'm late. OK, here we go. Here we go, OK. Little Davey Reynolds... Walks to the counter, drops the keys... Bloat, that's disgusting! Tastes pretty good to me. - Urrrp! - Eww! Don't you people realize we are swimming in our own- Shh! Here he comes! Aah! Crikey. What a state.
Finding Nemo
Whoo! Yaahhh! Here comes the big one. Ooh! Come on! You gotta try this! - Will you just stop it? - Why? What's wrong? We're in a whale, don't you get it? - Whale? - A whale! You had to ask for help! And now we're stuck here! Wow, a whale. I speak whale. No, you're insane! You can't speak whale! I have to get out! I have to find my son! I have to tell him how old sea turtles are!
Finding Nemo
- Dory... - Whaaat's goooing onnn?
Finding Nemo
Aaah! Oof!
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills... when life gets you down, know what you got to do? - I don't want to know. - Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming What do we do? We swim, swim Dory, no singing. Ho ho ho ho ho ho I love to swim When you want to swim See, I'm going to get stuck now with that song. - Now it's in my head. - Sorry. Dory, do you see anything? - Aah! Something's got me. - That was me. I'm sorry. - Who's that? - Who could it be? It's me. Are you my conscience? Yeah, yeah. I'm your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you? - Can't complain. - Yeah? Good. Now, Dory, I want you to tell me- Do you see anything? I see a... I see a light. - A light? - Yeah. Over there. - Hey, conscience, am I dead? - No. I see it, too.
Finding Nemo
Walla-walla- Waah! Waah! Waah! The second line's 42 Wallaby Way. That's great. Speed read. Take a guess. No pressure. No problem. There's a lot of pressure. Pressure! Take a guess now with pressure! - Sydney! It's Sydney! - Duck! Aah! I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead. I died. I'm dead.
Finding Nemo
Hoo doot doo doot doot doo doot Whoo-hoo! La la la la la la It just keeps going on, doesn't it? Echo! Echo! Hey, what you doing? It's gone. I've lost the mask. - Did you drop it? - You dropped it! That was my only chance of finding my son. Now it's gone.
Finding Nemo
Whoo-hoo! We did it, we did it Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah No eating here tonight, whoo! Eating here tonight No, no, no, eating here tonight - Dory. - You on a diet Dory! What did the mask say? P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.
Finding Nemo
What are you thinking about? I'm thinking... tonight, we give the kid a proper reception. So, kid, you got a name or what? Nemo. I'm Nemo.