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Not without you!

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Stop. Listen to me! You are a god. If you kill me... you'll be just like everybody else. What's so wrong with that? No!

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

This is an important conversation right now? KRAGLIN: That ain't it. I didn't mean to do a mutiny. They killed all my friends. Get the third quadrant ready for release. One more thing. You got any clones of Quill's old music on the ship?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Drax! We need to talk. I'm sorry. But I like a woman with some meat on her bones. What? I tried to let you down easily by telling you I found you disgusting. No, that's not what I... What are you doing? I'm imagining being with you physically. Drax... I don't like you like that. I don't even like the type of thing you are. Hey! There's no need to get personal. Listen! Ego's gotten exactly what he wanted. I should have told you earlier. I'm stupid. You are in danger.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

KRAGLIN: We got a whole box of hands... if that one don't work out. It is fine. You think them Kree is gonna execute the captain? The Kree consider themselves merciful. It will be painless. Well, here it is. It's the best ship we got. Location of Ego's planet in the nav. We'll wire you the 10% once we's paid. What are you gonna do with your share? As a child, my father would have Gamora and me battle one another in training. Every time my sister prevailed... my father would replace a piece of me with machinery... claiming he wanted me to be her equal. But she won... again and again, and again, never once refraining. So after I murder my sister... I will buy a warship with every conceivable instrument of death. I will hunt my father like a dog, and I will tear him apart slowly... piece by piece... until he knows some semblance of the profound and unceasing pain... I know every single day. Yeah. I was talking about, like, a pretty necklace. Or a nice hat. Something to make the other girls go, "Ooh, that's nice!"

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

What are those? If I touch someone, I can feel their feelings. You read minds? No. Telepaths know thoughts. Empaths feel feelings. Emotions. May I? All right. You feel love. Yeah. I guess I feel a general, unselfish love for just about everybody. No! Romantic, sexual love. No, I don't. For her! No!

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

You can fool yourself and everyone else, but you can't fool me. I know who you are. You don't know anything about me, loser. I know everything about you. I know you play like you're the meanest and the hardest... but, actually, you're the most scared of all. Shut up! I know you steal batteries you don't need... and you push away anyone who's willing to put up with you... because just a little bit of love... reminds you how big and empty that hole inside you actually is. I said shut up! I know them scientists what made you, never gave a rat's ass about you. I'm serious, dude! Just like my own damn parents who sold me... their own little baby, into slavery. I know who you are, boy. Because you're me. What kind of a pair are we? The kind that's about to go fight a planet, I reckon. All right, okay! Good. Wait. Fight a what? Who are you people? What is this place? Gamora, let her go! The bodies in the caverns... Who are they? You are scared.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Hey, twig! Come here. Come on. Aw, man... what did they do to you? Hey, you wanna help us get outta here? There's something I need you to get, and bring back to me. In the captain's quarters, there's a prototype fin... the thing I wore on my head. There's a drawer next to the bunk. It's in that. It's red. You got it? That's my underwears. Yeah, I was pretty sure he didn't know what you were talkin' about. You have to explain it more careful. It's a prototype fin. That's an orloni. It's a fin, Groot. You explain it this time. All right. YONDU: That's Vorker's eye. He takes it out when he sleeps. Go. Look again. But leave the eye here. Why? He's gonna wake up tomorrow... and he's not gonna know... where his eye is! That's a desk. We told you it was this big. Tell me you guys have a refrigerator somewhere... with a bunch of severed human toes. Okay. Then let's just agree to never discuss this. The drawer you wanna open has this symbol on it. Okay? What? No! He thinks you want him to wear it as a hat. That's not what I said! I am Groot. He's relieved you don't want him to. I am Groot. He hates hats. I am Groot. On anyone, not just himself. I am Groot. One minute you think someone has a weird-shaped head... the next minute it's just because you realize part of that head is the hat. That's why you don't like hats?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

DRAX: How did you get to this weird, dumb planet? MANTIS: Ego found me in my larva state. Orphaned on my homeworld. He raised me by hand, and kept me as his own. So you're a pet? I suppose. People usually want cute pets. Why would Ego want such a hideous one? I am hideous? You are horrifying to look at. Yes. But that's a good thing. Oh? When you're ugly, and someone loves you... you know they love you for who you are. Beautiful people never know who to trust. Well, then I'm certainly grateful to be ugly.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Do you know why I did it, Star-Munch? Hmm? I'm not gonna answer to "Star-Munch." I did it because I wanted to! Dick. What are we even talking about this for? We just had a little man save us by blowing up 50 ships! How little? Well, I don't know, like this? A little one-inch man saved us? Well, if he got closer, I'm sure he would be much larger. That's how eyesight works, you stupid raccoon. Don't call me a raccoon! I'm sorry. I took it too far. I meant trash panda. Is that better? I don't know. It's worse. It's so much worse. You son of a... Hey! ROCKET: I've had it with you! QUILL: No! Back up! NEBULA: Someone followed you through the jump point.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

You will never love me again never break the chain never break the chain break the chain QUILL: Hey, can I ask you a personal question? Oh...

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

My mother told everyone my father was from the stars. She had brain cancer, so everyone thought she was delusional. Peter... Listen, I'd love to believe all of this, I really would. But you left... the most wonderful woman ever... to die alone. I didn't want to leave your mother, Peter. If I don't return regularly to my planet... and the light within it... this form will wither and perish. So why didn't you come back? Why did you send Yondu? A criminal, of all people, to come and fetch me? I loved your mother, Peter! I couldn't stand to set foot on an Earth... where she wasn't living! You can't imagine what that's like! I know exactly what that feels like! I had to watch her die! Over the millions and millions of years of my existence... I've made many mistakes, Peter. But you're not one of them. Please give me the chance to be the father she would want me to be.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

It's a Ravager funeral.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Who is this? I am sending you the coordinates for Yondu's ship.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

We need to get off this planet.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

QUILL: Hey, you're making him nervous! Shut up and get me some tape! Does anybody have any tape out there? I wanna put some tape over the death button. I don't have any tape. Let me check. Yo, Yondu... Ow! Do you have any tape? Gamora? Do you have any tape? Tape! Never mind. Ow! Drax, do you have any tape? Yes, Scotch tape would work.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

DRAX: Those pools, they remind me of a time... when I took my daughter to the forgotten lakes of my homeworld. She was like you. Disgusting? Innocent. Drax?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

"There must be some life out there in the universe... "besides just me," I thought. And so, I set myself the task of finding it. I created... what I imagined biological life to be like... down to the most minute detail. Did you make a penis? Dude! What is wrong with you? If he is a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would smush her! I don't need to hear how my parents... Why? My father would tell the story of impregnating my mother every winter solstice. That's disgusting. It was beautiful. You Earthers have hang-ups. Yes, Drax, I got a penis. Ha! Thank you! It's not half bad. Oh. Ugh. I've also got pain receptors, and a digestive system... and all the accompanying junk.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2