I'm not Terran? You are half Terran. Your mother was of Earth. Your father, well, he's something very ancient we've never seen here before. That could be why you were able to hold the Stone for as long as you did.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Hey, what do you say, Yondu? Me and you, taking down a mark side-by-side, like the old days.
Guardians of the Galaxy
So we can give the Stone to Yondu who's just gonna sell to somebody even worse? - We'll figure that part out later. - We have to stop Ronan. How? - I have a plan. - You've got a plan? Yes. First of all, you're copying me from when I said I had a plan. No, I'm not. People say that all the time. It's not that unique of a thing to say. Secondly, I don't even believe you have a plan. I have part of a plan! What percentage of a plan do you have? You don't get to ask questions after the nonsense you pulled on Knowhere. I just saved Quill. We've already established that you destroying the ship that I'm on is not saving me. - When did we establish it? - Like three seconds ago! I wasn't listening. I was thinking of something else. She's right. You don't get an opinion. What percentage? - I don't know. Twelve percent. - Twelve percent? That's a fake laugh. - It's real! - Totally fake. That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life - because that is not a plan. - It's barely a concept. - You're taking their side? - I am Groot. So what, it's better than 11%? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Thank you, Groot. Thank you. See? Groot's the only one of you who has a clue.
Guardians of the Galaxy
I like your knife. I'm keeping it. - That was my favorite knife. - Listen! I could care less whether you live or whether you die. - Then why stop the big guy? - Simple. You know where to sell my Orb. How are we gonna sell it when we and it are still here?
Guardians of the Galaxy
My friend Rocket, here, has escaped 22 prisons. We're getting out. And then we're headed straight to Yondu to retrieve your bounty. How much was your buyer willing to pay you for my Orb?
Guardians of the Galaxy
The high-end community is a...
Guardians of the Galaxy
Or we could give it to somebody who's not going to arrest us, who's really nice for a whole lot of money. I think it's a really good balance between both of your points of view. You're despicable. Dishonorable. Faithless!
Guardians of the Galaxy
I recognize this animal. We'd roast them over a flame pit as children. - Their flesh was quite delicious. - Not helping! Number three!
Guardians of the Galaxy
With all due respect, Thanos, your daughter made this mess, and yet you summon me. I would lower my voice, Accuser. First, she lost a battle with some primitive. Thanos put Gamora under your charge. Then she was apprehended by the Nova Corps. You are the one here with nothing to show for it. Your sources say that she meant to betray us the whole time! Lower your tone! I may be your...
Guardians of the Galaxy
I told you, you can't fit. Now, wait here. I'll be back.
Ronan? I'm sorry, Mr. Quill. I truly am. But I want no part of this transaction if Ronan is involved.
Guardians of the Galaxy
How wonderful to meet in the flesh. Let's bypass the formalities, Tivan. We have what we discussed.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Of course, Drax. Here, I...
Guardians of the Galaxy
How could I think Tivan could contain whatever was within the Orb? - What do you still have it for? - What are we gonna do, leave it in there? - I can't believe you had that in your purse! - It's not a purse, it's a knapsack! We have to bring this to the Nova Corps. There's a chance they can contain it. Are you kidding me? We're wanted by the Nova Corps. - Just give it to Ronan! - So he can destroy the galaxy? What are you, some saint all of a sudden? What has the galaxy ever done for you? Why would you wanna save it? Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it! Peter, listen to me. We cannot allow the Stone to fall into Ronan's hands. We have to go back to your ship, and deliver it to Nova. Right, right, okay. I think you're right.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Master! You cannot! Thanos is the most powerful being in the universe. Not anymore. You call me "boy!" I will unfurl 1,000 years of Kree justice on Xandar, and burn it to its core! Then, Thanos, I am coming for you.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Put a bounty on him! Forty K. - But I want him back alive. - Yeah, Cap. - Alive? - That's what I said. I told you when you picked that kid up, you should have delivered him like we was hired to do! He was cargo! - You have always been soft on him. - You're the only one I'm being soft on! Now, don't you worry about Mr. Quill. As soon as we get him back here, I'm gonna kill him myself. What we do need to worry about, is who else out there wants that Orb!