He turned off the artificial gravity, everywhere but in here.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Yeah, Quill turned out okay.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Steal my money? Stop it! Leave him alone! When I picked you up as a kid, these boys wanted to eat you. They ain't never tasted Terran before. I saved your life! Will you shut up about that? God! Twenty years, you been throwing that in my face, like it's some great thing, not eating me. Normal people don't even think about eating someone else! Much less that person having to be grateful for it! You abducted me, man. You stole me from my home and from my family. You don't give a damn about your Terra! You're scared because you're soft in here. Here, right here! Yondu! Listen to me. Ronan has something called an Infinity Stone. I know what he's got, girl. Then you know we must get it back! He's gonna use it to wipe out Xandar. We have to warn them. Billions of people will perish. Is that what she's been filling your head with, boy? Sentiment?
Guardians of the Galaxy
Ronan is destroying Xandarian outposts throughout the galaxy. I should think that would call for some slight response on the part of the Kree. We signed your peace treaty, Nova Prime. What more do you want? At least a statement from the Kree Empire saying that they condemn his actions. He is slaughtering children. Families. That is your business. Now, I have other matters to attend to. Prick.
Guardians of the Galaxy
- You first! You first! - Murderer! Coming for you first, Gamora! You're dead! You're scum! You're scum!
Guardians of the Galaxy
You killed my daughter!
Guardians of the Galaxy
I present to you, Taneleer Tivan, The Collector.
Guardians of the Galaxy
When Thanos took my home world, he killed my parents in front of me.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Then the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots.
Guardians of the Galaxy
We tried to keep it as close to the original as possible. We salvaged as much as we could. I...
Guardians of the Galaxy
I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me. But I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself. Something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but, objectively... Where's the Orb?
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter. Your momma wants to speak with you. Come on, Pete. Take these fool things off.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Fool. You should have learned. I don't learn. One of my issues.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter, you have call.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Let's head to the Kyln.
Guardians of the Galaxy
They'll be fine, Dey.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Prisoner, drop the device immediately and retreat to your cell, or we will open fire. I am Groot! Fire!