Rocket, keep them off Gamora until she gets to the Milano. How? We've got no weaponry on these things. These pods are industrial grade. They're nearly indestructible. Not against necroblasts, they're not. That's not what I'm saying.
Guardians of the Galaxy
The starboard kern has been breached! We have been boarded. Continue our approach. But the Nova Corps have engaged. None of that will matter once we reach the surface. Seal security doors! Now!
Guardians of the Galaxy
Check out the new meat. I'm gonna slather you up in Gunavian jelly, and go to town...
Guardians of the Galaxy
Do not open that Orb. You know that, right? You've seen what it does to people.
Guardians of the Galaxy
And he laughed! Quill? Her life is not yours to take.
Guardians of the Galaxy
He is gonna be so pissed when he realizes I switched out the Orb on him.