Chocolate or vanilla? - Vanilla. Good things come to those who wait.
The Founder
Costs a fraction of ice cream and there's no refrigeration necessary. - It contains powdered milk. Thickening agents and emulsifiers simulate the texture of ice cream. Tastes just like the real thing. - It's easy as pie to make. You put a packet into a glass of water and stir it. - I know maybe a tad blasphemous, what with your dairy background and all. - Personally, I think it's a marvelous idea.
The Founder
- It's a powdered milkshake.
The Founder
- You don't say? - What if I told you there was a way all of your owner-operators can save literally hundreds of dollars a year in electrical costs? And reduce the time that it takes to make a milkshake, by half. - I'll bite.
The Founder
- $12,400. - That's pretty good haul for month one. - Could be bigger. I hate to mix business with pleasure. - I don't. - But my expenses. - What about them? - Well, they're a bit higher than anticipated. One thing in particular, that dang walk-in. That bill is a real whopper. - I know, it's a problem, all that ice cream. - I don't want to overstep my bounds here. But, we may have found a solution. Or Joan did, actually.
The Founder
- I just came up to see how things are going?
The Founder
- Ray? - Surprise inspection. - What are you doing here?
The Founder
- I specifically said the office is the best place to reach me! - I tried there, Mr. Kroc. Numerous times. - You have no right to call me at my home. It is a blatant invasion of my privacy! - With all due respect, sir, when you're three months behind on your payments you don't get to pick and choose where we contact you.
The Founder
We could lose everything.
The Founder
I can't resist. - So what do you say? We try it out at our place and then if it goes well... - You roll it out nationally. - I could. Yeah. Let me think about it.
The Founder
- June, grab the ledger, would you? Come on in the office, Harry.
The Founder
- What's he saying? - He's buying the land... - Our land?