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Thank you. W-W-We'll wait until you're ready.

The Princess Bride

- Why are you doing that? - Making sure nobody's follow us. That would be inconceivable. Despite what you think, you will be caught. And when you are, the prince will see you all hanged. Of all the necks on this boat, Highness, the one you should be worrying about is your own.

The Princess Bride

What? Go in! Get after her! I don't swim. I only dog paddle.

The Princess Bride

I'm going to duel him left-handed. You know what a hurry we're in! It's the only way I can be satisfied. - If I use my right, over too quickly. - Oh, have it your way.

The Princess Bride

He's very, very short on charm. You have a great gift for rhyme. - Yes. Yes. Some of the time. - Enough of that! Fezzik, are there rocks ahead? If there are, we all be dead. No more rhymes! Now, I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?

The Princess Bride

Despite Humperdinck's reassurance that she would grow to love him, the onlyjoy she found was in her daily ride."

The Princess Bride

I do not suppose you could speed things up? If you're in such a hurry, you could lower a rope or a tree branch or find something useful to do.

The Princess Bride

What is that you're ripping? It's fabric from the uniform of an army officer of Guilder. Who is Guilder? The country across the sea. The sworn enemy of Florin. Go! Once the horse reaches the castle, the fabric will make the prince suspect that the Guilderians have abducted his love. When he finds her body dead on the Guilder frontier, his suspicions will be totally confirmed. You never said anything about killing anyone. I've hired you to help me start a war. It's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition. I just don't think it's right, killing an innocent girl. Am I going mad, or did the word "think" escape your lips? You were not hired for your brains, you hippopotamic landmass! I agree with Fezzik. Oh, the sot has spoken. What happens to her is not truly your concern. I will kill her. And remember this. Never forget this! When I found you, you were so slobbering drunk you couldn't buy brandy! And you! Friendless. Brainless. Helpless! Hopeless! Do you want me to send you back to where you were? Unemployed in Greenland?

The Princess Bride

Left! Left!

The Princess Bride

He didn't fall? Inconceivable. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

The Princess Bride

I could do that. I think I've got some rope up here. But I do not think you would accept my help since I am only waiting around to kill you. That does put a damper on our relationship. But I promise I will not kill you until you reach the top. That's very comforting, but I'm afraid you'll just have to wait. I hate waiting. I could give you my word as a Spaniard. No good. I've known too many Spaniards. Is there any way you'll trust me? Nothing comes to mind. I swear on the soul of my father, Domingo Montoya. You will reach the top alive. Throw me the rope.

The Princess Bride

My God. He's climbing. Whoever he is, he's obviously seen us with the princess and must therefore die. You, carry her. We'll head straight for the Guilder frontier. Catch up when he's dead. If he falls, fine. If not, the sword.

The Princess Bride

My people, a month from now, our country will have its 500th anniversary. On that sundown, I shall marry a lady who was once a commoner like yourselves. But perhaps you will not find her common now. - Would you like to meet her? - Yes! My people, the princess Buttercup!

The Princess Bride

You must be that little Spanish brat I taught a lesson to all those years ago.

The Princess Bride

There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. 'Twould be a pity to damage yours.

The Princess Bride

Westley! Oh, Westley, darling! Westley, why won't you hold me? - Gently. - At a time like this? That's all you can think to say? "Gently"? Gently!

The Princess Bride

Aaah! Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my father! Prepare to die! - No! - Offer me money. - Yes. - Power too. Promise me that. All that I have and more. Please. Offer me everything I ask for. Anything you want. I want my father back, you son of a bitch.

The Princess Bride

Have a seat.

The Princess Bride