Look, he bested you with strength, your greatness. He bested me with steel. He must have outthought Vizzini. And a man who can do that can plan my castle onslaught any day. - Let's go. - Where? - Find the man in black, obviously. - But you don't know where he is. Don't bother me with trifles. After 20 years, at last my father's soul will be at peace. There will be blood tonight!
The Princess Bride
Again, thank you.
The Princess Bride
And you can die too, for all I care! As you wish! Oh, my sweet Westley. What have I done?
The Princess Bride
Inconceivable! Give her to me. Catch up with us quickly. - What do I do? - Finish him. Finish him your way! Oh, good. My way. Thank you, Vizzini.
The Princess Bride
There was a mighty duel.
The Princess Bride
Rise and report. The Thieves' Forest is emptied. Thirty men guard the castle gate. Double it. My princess must be safe. The gate has but one key... and I carry that.
The Princess Bride
I cannot find him alone. I need you.
The Princess Bride
Well, now, that was an adventure. - Singed a bit, were you? - You?
The Princess Bride
I could never cause you grief.
The Princess Bride
I will never love again.
The Princess Bride
No. Not Vizzini.
The Princess Bride
I did that on purpose. I didn't have to miss. I believe you.
The Princess Bride
Beat it, or I'll call the brute squad. - I'm on the brute squad. - You are the brute squad. We need a miracle. It's very important. Look, I'm retired. And besides, why would you want someone the king's stinking son fired? I might kill whoever you wanted me to miracle. He's already dead.
The Princess Bride
We did it.
The Princess Bride
My Westley will save me.
The Princess Bride
Surrender! You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well. I accept. I give you full marks for bravery. Don't make yourself a fool. Ah, but how will you capture us? We know the secrets of the Fire Swamp. We can live there quite happily for some time, so whenever you feel like dying, feel free to visit.