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They're agony.
The Favourite
- Abigail? - I believe that is her name.
The Favourite
ANNE: Doctor.
The Favourite
How dare you touch the queen like that!
The Favourite
Dear cousin.
The Favourite
The Favourite
Mrs. Morley, open the door.
The Favourite
Which leads to stupidity.
The Favourite
Cousin, the beef.
The Favourite
I'm ready for the Russian ambassador.
The Favourite
I imagine it'd be pointless, and I would dash the letter into the fire, but I cannot stop her.
The Favourite
You're so beautiful. Stop it. You mock me. I do not. If I were a man, I would ravish you.
The Favourite
The Favourite
It's a failing, I know.
The Favourite
- ANNE: Don't leave me! - SARAH: I won't.
The Favourite
She saved me.
The Favourite
I had a dream that this very small Frenchman covered in blood... was carrying Marlborough's head around, feeding it Brie.
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