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- Stop it! Stop! - [MUSIC STOPS]
The Favourite
Are you feeling better, then?
The Favourite
We will sue for peace with France immediately.
The Favourite
Shift a division to the coast and have a boat at the ready.
The Favourite
Do you understand?
The Favourite
ABIGAIL: I wanted to do right by my father.
The Favourite
I didn't think so either... but so much is surprising me lately.
The Favourite
Never mind the man.
The Favourite
How delightful it is when one tries to cultivate a new trait in one's character. - Do not scratch at her. - [SARAH SCOFFS]
The Favourite
PRIME MINISTER: We need to be careful, Sarah.
The Favourite
ANNE: Rub my legs.
The Favourite
The Favourite
Abigail, get a platter of oysters sent to the Dutch ambassador. Yes, Your Ladyship.
The Favourite
I don't understand. Did you take it? My book. - ABIGAIL: No. - I think you are a pretty little liar that I have misjudged.
The Favourite
Dies. Finally her.
The Favourite
I would dearly like to dance with you.
The Favourite