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She will be angry if I do not appear soon.
The Favourite
The Favourite
The Favourite
They'll be in with the lobsters.
The Favourite
You look like a badger. Oh.
The Favourite
Where am I? You're in heaven. That's God. You'll meet him later.
The Favourite
I have a thing for the weak. FOOTMAN: Lord Marlborough. MARLBOROUGH: It is time.
The Favourite
May I speak a moment, with Her Majesty's pleasure?
The Favourite
The Favourite
The Favourite
And yet I do not see your fat tweedy dead when I look out upon the battlefield. We're out of money. My point.
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The battle will begin any time.
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No, I do not, but we must fight for what we fight for.
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The day you lost him.
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You have perhaps taught me that.
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