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Even if I were the last one left in this wretched place, I would remain a lady. [LAUGHS] You're pretty when outraged.
The Favourite
GODOLPHIN: The opposition asks us - to be halfhearted in this war! - [LOUD, INDISTINCT CHATTER]
The Favourite
It's like a monster attacking me. Cut it off for me, will you? ABIGAIL: I don't think so, Your Majesty.
The Favourite
We must wear our griefs, for England is worth our all, and suffer we must for her!
The Favourite
I am a person of honor, even if my station is not.
The Favourite
Mr. Harley, control your rabble!
The Favourite
The Favourite
Oh, Your Majesty.
The Favourite
SARAH: Did you see that book of poetry from the Dryden fellow? I... have not. SARAH: No.
The Favourite
The bed looked so beautiful, and I was overcome... with foolishness. I'm sorry.
The Favourite
Lady Marlborough asked me to wait for you, and I was...
The Favourite
What happened to your dress? Wolves.
The Favourite
Apologies again, Your Majesty.
The Favourite
ANNE: What are you doing?
The Favourite
Well, you may get out now.
The Favourite
We will reset the date.
The Favourite
A minor hitch.
The Favourite
I know that Harley has been in your ear and Abigail in your bed. Enough! You will be as I wish you to be from now on.
The Favourite