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Lady Marlborough asked me to wait for you, and I was...
The Favourite
He will prevail. Of course.
The Favourite
Apologies again, Your Majesty.
The Favourite
The battle will begin any time.
The Favourite
Don't speak to me like that!
The Favourite
- Ravish. - Enough.
The Favourite
Does it hurt a lot?
The Favourite
[GUN COCKING] - SARAH: Throw. - [WINGS FLAPPING] - [GUNSHOT] - Back, front, back.
The Favourite
Off with her head and off with her head. [BOTH LAUGH] [PIGEONS COOING]
The Favourite
I would dearly like to dance with you.
The Favourite
The Favourite
Take me back.
The Favourite
BOTH: Back.
The Favourite
No wonder you cover it up. Who are you? No ordinary maid. It could be said I have fallen far. It could be said I aim to catch you.
The Favourite
And you are too mean and uncaring, some days. Some days, I'm quite lovely, though. Let's think on them. Anne.
The Favourite
You are not nothing. You're a dear person. Thank you.
The Favourite
The Favourite
You're such a child.
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