Found 909 results
ANNE: What are you doing?
The Favourite
SARAH: Borrow anything you want.
The Favourite
Now! Take me to her!
The Favourite
The Favourite
I will come and see you this afternoon, and we can play whist.
The Favourite
I have a letter from our aunt... and...
The Favourite
Oh, Your Majesty.
The Favourite
The Favourite
Apologies again, Your Majesty.
The Favourite
SARAH: Colonel Masham.
The Favourite
It will not stand.
The Favourite
Sometimes all these numbers are dizzying, and they're as fickle as humans. They often do add up on the second or third attempt.
The Favourite
I didn't know the new sewer ended in here.
The Favourite
"My dearest...
The Favourite