Found 909 results
I think a very good match.
The Favourite
Your lobsters, ma'am. Where should I put them? Uh... here.
The Favourite
Why, lay down. I'll call the doctor for you, my love.
The Favourite
I will be there directly.
The Favourite
Are you sure this is all of the mail? ABIGAIL: You seek something?
The Favourite
You're shooting exceptionally well, Abigail. ABIGAIL: You've taught me well.
The Favourite
Take your shot.
The Favourite
Leave that. I like it.
The Favourite
The Favourite
The Favourite
Do it again!
The Favourite
Therefore, I am announcing a new prime minister... will be Mr. Harley.
The Favourite
I have spoken! All depart! [CHEERING, MURMURING]
The Favourite
The mirrors stay, too.
The Favourite
Are you drunk?
The Favourite
I don't understand these papers.
The Favourite