- It's normally ten and under, but for you I'll make an exception. Haha! Love it. Nice.
The Founder
You've got my word on that. Dick, Mac.
The Founder
So, whaddaya say?
The Founder
- Yeah. Sure.
The Founder
- Hmm? Sorry? - What year did you start McDonald's?
The Founder
- He's national... - Mac!
The Founder
It's about ten miles south of downtown. They're building a brand-new sports stadium there. - Yeah, Bloomington, I read about it. - We're getting a professional baseball and football team. They'll both be playing there. - I think I know where you're headed with this. - A 40,000 seat stadium, just a stone's throw away. Imagine the foot traffic. - Hungry families looking for a bite to eat after the game. - Or before, whenever. - Exactly. Yeah.
The Founder
- Did you mortgage our home?
The Founder
- Dawes.
The Founder
Dick. There's a card in there.
The Founder
- A man called today.
The Founder
- I just came up to see how things are going?
The Founder
- Ray? - Surprise inspection. - What are you doing here?
The Founder
- ♪ Every time it rains ♪ ♪ It rains Pennies from heaven ♪ ♪ Don't you know? ♪ ♪ Each cloud contains Pennies from heaven ♪ - ♪ You'll find your fortune ♪ ♪ Fallin' all over town ♪ - Sounds pretty good. - ♪ Be sure that your umbrella ♪ ♪ is upside down ♪ ♪ Trade them for a package of ♪ - ♪ Sunshine and flowers ♪ ♪ If you want the things You love ♪ ♪ You must have showers ♪ ♪ So when you Hear it thunder... ♪ ♪ Don't run under a tree ♪ ♪ There'll be Pennies from heaven ♪ ♪ For you and me ♪ - Sorry.
The Founder
Prince Castle Sales, how can I help you? - Hi, June. - Ray, how's it going down there? - Good, swell, lot of interest. - Hold on, let me fetch your messages. Let's see, Gene Rafferty from United Aluminum needs to reschedule Friday. Ed Nance calling about the refund. Sloan and Sons, they called again, we're sixty days past due. A lady from the March of Dimes, oh... We got an order, six mixers. - Six? - Mm-hmm. Some drive-in out in California. - Same place, one place. No that's... that's impossible. - I've got the slip right here. - No, I'm sure you misunderstood. You know what? Give me the number. - You got a pen? - Okay. All right.