- Take the baby in. - Oh, I ain't going in there. Then you ain't gonna find out who tried to kill you. See, if I go in there, I know who's gonna kill me. - Theresa Burnett. - Stop fucking around. Take your baby. Go ahead. Mike, Carver's scared. He ain't gonna wait all day. All right.
Bad Boys for Life
Hey, Isabel and the shooter went up the stairs. Can you cover us? - Kelly! Flank right! - Copy! - Rafe, pan left! Push! - Copy that! - Dorn, follow Rafe! - Yup! Hey, big man. I'm gonna need you to hurt some people. I'll pay for therapy, all right? I'm gonna need it. Seriously. - Yeah, I got you. - I'll hold the middle. - You push hard for the stairs. - Push hard for the stairs. Yeah. Hey. It's good shit, lieutenant. You too, detective. You ain't such a dumbass after all. On me!
Bad Boys for Life
Dorn, he's a big guy. How'd he get so good at this stuff? - What stuff? - Tech shit. - He looks like a killer. - Is. Used to be a bouncer. Guy one night was getting physical with a woman... Yeah, big man lost it. Hit him. - Bastard dropped dead. - Avoided the fight ever since.
Bad Boys for Life
What the fuck?
Bad Boys for Life
Too slow. You're slipping.
Bad Boys for Life
Oh, what? You embarrassed to be seen like this?
Bad Boys for Life
You all right? I'm fine. You all right? Never felt better.
Bad Boys for Life
Isn't that what you wanted?
Bad Boys for Life
Contact! Twelve o'clock!
Bad Boys for Life
I need this.
Bad Boys for Life
- Hey, hey. Booker. Booker. - Michael? Hey, get an ambulance in here now. Get the paramedics. - Booker. Booker. - Uh, Michael. - Just bring them in. - Calm down. Hey, just do what I ask you for once, please! He's dead!
Bad Boys for Life
I think he's my son. What?
Bad Boys for Life
- In position. - Setting up. Mike, Marcus, meet you at the top. Mike and Marcus moving, stairs right. Rita on the move, stairs left.
Bad Boys for Life
Dear God... it's me, Marcus.
Bad Boys for Life
Overtown is waking up. Let's go. - AMMO, where you at? - Got jammed up. - Hitting Overtown now. - Gear up.
Bad Boys for Life
I'm sorry. Look, everything's gonna be all right. Trust me on this, okay? Everything's gonna be all right.
Bad Boys for Life
And I'm gonna need you to hurry up just a little bit.