Now, sir, I realize that you're scared. Hell, we all scared. You know, sometimes fear just...
Bad Boys for Life
Hey, you guys are great. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our first toast. I'm going to bring up Officer Mike Lowrey, affectionately known as Uncle Mike.
Bad Boys for Life
We ride together, - we die together. - We die together. Bad boys for life! No.
Bad Boys for Life
State-of-the-art police work, that's how. Cap, look... All right.
Bad Boys for Life
- Sir. - Sir?
Bad Boys for Life
You, uh, coloring a little bit outside the lines today, huh?
Bad Boys for Life
My family's taking back management of this town. We're gonna need some, uh, loyal employees. Who wants a job?
Bad Boys for Life
But I can't. Mike, I can't let you - investigate your own case. - All right. Let me investigate the Vargas case. No. The last thing I need is having IAD shoving a Hubble telescope up my ass for a full-on colonoscopy. - You know the rules. - Fuck the rules, Cap. Come on. Put me and Marcus on this shit.
Bad Boys for Life
Is it true what he says?
Bad Boys for Life
I can help. What does he need?
Bad Boys for Life
This is on me. I'm not letting anybody else get killed dealing with my shit. Mike, she's a bruja. She'll make your eyes melt into your stupid-ass head. She'll make your dick fall off. I meant penis. You should be minding your own business anyway. Marcus, please go home. We fly together. We die together. - What? - Oh, no. That's just something we say. It's all good. It ain't... Oh, I can see how that got y'all a little... Uh, where y'all from? Where you from?
Bad Boys for Life
Hey! MLK just tapped out. You got Brother Malcolm now. We can handle this by any means necessary. I recognize you. You're that cop that got shot. Bad year you're having, Butterscotch. If you didn't have that gun and badge, I'd fucking eat you. This the only thing that's keeping you from eating me? - Yeah. - Oh.
Bad Boys for Life
You were right about the glasses. I been telling your ass that shit for years.