I was Ricky Rollins. Benito Aretas. He's dead, Mike. He ain't after you. Not him. His wife.
Bad Boys for Life
You understand?
Bad Boys for Life
Ooh. Think I might be able to hang out with you guys after all. Nah, nah, that ain't the one. We're taking The Crawdaddy. Wait until you see the inside. - You need any help, Gramps? - Go ahead somewhere, boy. Look at you trying to be all cool and shit.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
- Y'all both dying tonight. - Coming up. Oh, shit.
Bad Boys for Life
Hey! Hey, ass licker. I'm gonna fast-food fist-fuck you. Sir, that's just nasty. Now, I recognize that this is a difficult situation. - Don't come over here. - Don't go over there, Marcus. We just need your client's receipts. - What? - Booker Grassie. - Any record of...? - Unh!
Bad Boys for Life
Who in the hell wanna sing that song? ♪ Good men, good men What you gonna do? ♪
Bad Boys for Life
I'm begging you, man.
Bad Boys for Life
We're here. Excuse me, Mr. Lowrey. - Just need to get past, please. - Sure thing, buddy. Uh, you're the tech, huh? Jeez.
Bad Boys for Life
That was fast. We got a new base of operations too.
Bad Boys for Life
I'm gone.
Bad Boys for Life
But we'll talk about that later.
Bad Boys for Life
Haste el fuego.
Bad Boys for Life
What are you after here? All right. To each one of those numbers, I need you to text the phrase, "Hasta el fuego."
Bad Boys for Life
And I'm gonna need you to hurry up just a little bit.
Bad Boys for Life
Mama, they're all gone. It's time? Yes, kill him. But before you do it, look in his eyes and tell him something for me.