Twenty-four years ago, before we partnered up, um... Captain Howard pulled me right out of the academy. Uh, nobody knew who I was. He sent me in undercover with the Aretas cartel.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
Kelly, what's the target QTH? Second level. VIP platform. - I have eyes on. - Up top.
Bad Boys for Life
Look, I'm gonna be honest with you, Mike. - I ain't had sex in a long time. - Whoa, whoa. Yeah, too long. Too long. I be thinking of shit. - Crazy shit, Mike. - Marcus. I feel like I'm locked up since... Hey, Marcus, you know they can hear you? It's too loud. They can't hear us. They can't hear us. Look, look, sometime I go to the Internet, and I see some weird shit on there. - I saw a man put his... - Marcus. - Marcus. - What?
Bad Boys for Life
Let us handle this.
Bad Boys for Life
Mike y Marcus.
Bad Boys for Life
Just finish it. Never disobey me again!
Bad Boys for Life
No, Callie! Don't pass! Shooters shoot!
Bad Boys for Life
Mike! Mike! Mike! What the hell you doing?! Oh! Lord, I don't wanna die this way! - Mike! - Oh, shit!
Bad Boys for Life
- Through the bitch. - No, move. - Get behind the car. - I can help. Move! Get behind the car!
Bad Boys for Life
There was a time when touching me would have melted you.
Bad Boys for Life
Stay calm.
Bad Boys for Life
I had him.
Bad Boys for Life
That's the right spot for me right there. Oh, excuse me, sir. Seat right there. Let me get by you. Watch your toes. Watch your toes there. It's all right. There you go.
Bad Boys for Life
You gonna be all right. You gonna make it through this. Come on, man. Stay with us, man. Come on, Mike. I'm right here.
Bad Boys for Life
He will suffer.
Bad Boys for Life
Let me get past you there, sir. Sorry there. Excuse me. Excuse me.