My family's taking back management of this town. We're gonna need some, uh, loyal employees. Who wants a job?
Bad Boys for Life
Zoom in.
Bad Boys for Life
12.8s protect and serve our fair city. To Marcus. To Marcus! May the name Marcus Burnett strike fear into the hearts and minds of assholes for years to come.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
- We fell in love. - Heh. Are you telling me the one time that you...? Isabel Aretas. The one time. Takedown was coming. DEA, ATF, everybody. And I was gonna ghost the whole operation. Me and Isabel were gonna run away with each other. What made you change your mind? They call her La Bruja.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
And I sincerely hope that someday your namesake follows in the footsteps of his old-ass grandpa...
Bad Boys for Life
- No, no, wait, wait, wait... - Shit.
Bad Boys for Life
Contact! Twelve o'clock!
Bad Boys for Life
Nobody gives a shit, Mike. He's... He's my Uber driver!
Bad Boys for Life
Why'd you let him get away?!
Bad Boys for Life
This is a sign. It's a sign from God. Oh! Oh, shoot. She knows. She always knows.
Bad Boys for Life
Hey. I'm your Uncle Marcus.
Bad Boys for Life
This is personal for me too.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad boys... one last time.
Bad Boys for Life
Mike will consult. He'll observe. That's it. Now, what do you got? Picked up chatter. The dealer we think customed those rounds, he's making another sale. - Booker Grassie. - Uh-huh. You share any other confidential information? What? Not me. He's the one that told me. Guess my old tricks still work a little bit. You're a distraction. You see that? That's what I like, teamwork. Already a beautiful relationship. The video, presumed to be posted by the shooter... Guys. This is Detective Michael Lowrey. He'll be joining us as an adviser only. Police have no suspects.