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Everything for you, Papa.

Bad Boys for Life

Don't die.

Bad Boys for Life

- What are you aiming at?! - The pilot! Aim at the rotor! If you shoot the pilot...

Bad Boys for Life

Thank y'all. Thank... Thank you all. Mike and I, we're going on 25 years of working these streets. And I like to think we made a difference. You all are the best. And I thank you. It's been a real honor.

Bad Boys for Life

- Is that Diego or his twin? - Shh! Yeah, yeah, his twin. Carmelita, no, no, no.

Bad Boys for Life

You brought Little Marcus on a murder investigation? We're dropping him at the spa. Dropping him off at the spa? Carver is scared. He is not gonna wait, man. It's on the way, Mike. And what's the person that shot me want with a snitch like Carver Remy anyway? I'm taking you to find out, motherfucker.

Bad Boys for Life

- Get that ATV! I got the six! - Oh!

Bad Boys for Life

Let's fly.

Bad Boys for Life

We had a deal. I'm renegotiating. Whoops.

Bad Boys for Life

Let's go!

Bad Boys for Life

That's three days before I got hit. Hey, go back to that last shot. The chain. Yeah, zoom in. - Heh. Zway-Lo. - Zway-Lo. - Who's Zway-Lo? - Lorenzo Rodriguez. Goes by Zway-Lo. Used to coach him in peewee hoops before he went for that thug shit. Great player, but I had to bench him during the championship. You benched a 10-year-old in the championship? Yeah. Little fucker called me a dickhead. - Did y'all win at least? - Hell, no. He was our star player. We lost by 40, but I made my point. Okay, there's no "I" in "team." There is one in "dickhead" though. Man, shut up. Look, Zway-Lo's into drugs, weapons. He's one of Taglin's lieutenants. Taglin was found dead the same night Mike got shot. I guess he's someone else's lieutenant now. Lorenzo Rodriguez. No mortgage, not even a bank account. But it is his birthday tomorrow. If he's celebrating, there's three spots for a cat like that. Ditto, Ice 45, Zillion. Can you get into their club records? Pfft, Ice 45 should really up their cyber security. Okay. Ice 45. Ditto. Zillion.

Bad Boys for Life

I was ashamed at some of the stuff we had to do. I know "thou shall not kill," but they were bad guys, all of them. You know, Mike hardly had a life yet. No wife, no kids. If you could just please find it in your heart to give him one more chance, man. Straight up, he's my best friend. My brother. If you just spare him, I swear to you, I will put no more violence in this world. A drive-by shooting has a famed Miami-Dade police officer fighting for his life. Witnesses report hearing shots and a blacked-out bike fleeing the scene. Lowrey remains in critical... Guys, let's run Cap through what we got on the case. Kelly, run us through ballistics. So the slugs in Officer Lowrey were SS190. P90 fires that caliber, the Herstal. But these were subsonic 5.7-by-28s, custom rounds. I wanna know who made those bullets. We are watching 4chan and cross-referencing players in the market with the feds' red lines. Mike's like a son to me.

Bad Boys for Life

No! If she fouls you, you foul her back! - Yes! - Yeah. So there's this... This Buddhist guy, right? And, uh, you know, mountain man, way up high, going down this long winding road. And out of nowhere, this other guy is riding a horse right toward him. He's Buddhist too, I think. Actually, I'm not sure. Just let them both be Buddhist, Cap. Okay, fine. So the guy on the horse is riding toward our guy so fast that our guy's gotta get out of the way, so as not to be trampled by the horse. And the guy gets up, all dusty, and he goes: "Hey, where the fuck are you going?"

Bad Boys for Life

That's that shit, okay? You got three seconds before I bite it off. Get your damn finger out my face. So tell us. Judge, prosecutor, criminal informant, the captain, and you. Who do you have in common? Hundreds of investigations, operations... Eight hundred and forty-seven cases in the nexus of the victims. Well, who up there wants to kill you? - Hell, who doesn't? - All right. That just the criminals that we're looking at. I don't trust a person that don't wanna kill him. - Hell, put my name up there. - Thanks. Got it. Appreciate it. What you get out of the accountant? - His records are a mess. - Surprising. But I did manage to get into his Keychain. - So? - All of his social.

Bad Boys for Life

Hey, Isabel and the shooter went up the stairs. Can you cover us? - Kelly! Flank right! - Copy! - Rafe, pan left! Push! - Copy that! - Dorn, follow Rafe! - Yup! Hey, big man. I'm gonna need you to hurt some people. I'll pay for therapy, all right? I'm gonna need it. Seriously. - Yeah, I got you. - I'll hold the middle. - You push hard for the stairs. - Push hard for the stairs. Yeah. Hey. It's good shit, lieutenant. You too, detective. You ain't such a dumbass after all. On me!

Bad Boys for Life

- If... - Mm-hm. ...I bring you in, to consult, and you go cowboy on me, I need you to comprehend the level-five shitstorm I will be drowning in. No gold-plated watch. No cop retirement village. I'm sticking myself out on a skinny limb! Scratch that. A twig in an ice storm! Me, on the edge, "tithering." You mean, teetering? That's what I said! And picture me very fat! Uh, think I got the image, Cap. - What is he doing here? - He's gonna be helping out. - I don't want him. - I'm not working with her. He's not. You're not. He's consulting. It's your show. - Captain, come on. - Wait. I know you guys got history together, - so let's not make it personal. - Personal? I'm the only one being professional. This is not détente. I'm informing you of my decision. This is a bad idea. He's gonna investigate this case, no matter what!

Bad Boys for Life

I remember your first date with Megan, and trust me, me and Marcus did everything we could possibly do to make sure you never came back. But I'm telling you, love is hard. And your relationship will be tested. And your father and I have weathered storm after storm. And we have a mantra that we say to each other in our darkest days, and it always seems to bring us back together. And, Reggie, Megan, I would like to share it with you.

Bad Boys for Life

I ain't running for free. - What's the bet? - I win, we lay it down. We turn in our papers and we retire. All right, well, when I win, you stop all this foolish retirement talk. We ride this thing till the wheels fall off. - Bad boys for life. - Uh, bad boys ain't really boys anymore. Hey, Cap, just have the ambo on standby. Old boy gonna need fluids and oxygen. - That's him, Cap. That's him. - Okay. On your mark, get set, go! - Go, Marcus! You got this! - Where you at? - You got this! Breathe! - Uh-oh, where you at? Come on, baby!

Bad Boys for Life