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EGGSY: Someone decides to wipe out every Kingsman property... every agent, and somehow... conveniently, you weren't at home. I could say the same thing about you. What, you think I'd kill Roxy? And my mate, Brandon, and my fucking dog? MERLIN: No. You think I would?

Kingsman: The Golden Circle


Kingsman: The Golden Circle

I can't.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

At the controls. In position.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

And a great agent. Right now, he's lying in deep freeze waitin' on our help. We can't make this personal, sir. Personal? Agent, we can't stand by and let folks like him die. These people, we're their only hope.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle


Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Senora Poppy has sent me for my makeover. Follow me.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle


Kingsman: The Golden Circle

(both grunt)

Kingsman: The Golden Circle


Kingsman: The Golden Circle

FOX: The president actively sanctioned the deaths of hundreds of millions of people... and lied to the public. I am proud to be responsible for his impeachment... and I will do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition of power.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

What the fuck have you done to him? Nothing. Only tried to help him. He's got retrograde amnesia. Now, we knew from his eyeglasses that he was intelligence. We just didn't know whose.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

CLARA: Charlie, what's happening? Where are you? Everything's under control. I'm sorry, Charlie. I'm so sorry. Please don't tell Poppy it was me they followed. CHARLIE: Don't worry, darling. What happens in Italy... (panting) stays in Italy. Thank you.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Cheers! Are you sure I don't look like a dick? Look in the mirror. What do you see? Someone who can't believe what the fuck is going on. (sighs) I see a man who is honorable... brave... loyal... who's fulfilled his huge potential. A man who's done something good with his life. I owe you everything, Harry. Thank you. Don't mention it. You ready? Not a doubt in my mind.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle


Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Fucking hell, Merlin. Shit. MAN: You know, my mama... she always told me... us southerners get our good manners from the British. I was thinkin', ain't that a pity. Y'all didn't keep nothing for yourselves. Y'all ain't never heard of knocking before you enter? Well, actually we had an invitation. Didn't we? Yeah. Oh, did you now? Yeah. It came in the shape of a bottle. We're from the Kingsman tailor shop in London. Maybe you've heard of us? Oh, the Kingsman. Yeah. Huh. That's where y'all got them fine suits and them fancy spectacles y'all got on? Exactly. That's right. Y'all look damn sharp. Let me see if I got it right, here. You want me to believe that it's normal for a tailor... to hack through an advanced biometric security system... with nothing but a little bitty old watch on? I can promise you... that dog don't hunt. So why don't you go on and get down on your knees... and tell me who you really work for.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

This thing... hacked us. Clearly, this arm can be remotely controlled. I'm only alive because my address wasn't on the database with the agents. Whoever Charlie's working with doesn't think that mere staff are missile-worthy. This ain't funny. Roxy is dead! Everyone's dead! Gone! Do you even care? Pull yourself together. Remember your training. There's no time for emotion in this scenario. Now... as all surviving agents are present, we follow the doomsday protocol. When that's done, and only then... you may shed a tear in private. (sighs) (thunder rumbling) Okay. What's the doomsday protocol? We go shopping.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

(Merlin sobbing) I should have seen it coming. Charlie, the taxi. It's all my fault. No, that's bullshit, Merlin. It ain't all your fault. You're the best, bruv. Honestly, without you... I'd have lost it a long time ago. (Merlin mumbles) I think we should drink to Scotland. I think we've probably had enough, to be honest. You're probably right. Merlin. Aye? I think we're going to Kentucky. Fried Chicken? I love fried chicken. No, proper Kentucky. Look.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle