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You gotta get out there. They're starting to get fidgety. What were you so nervous about? I mean, you set this up, right? You vouched for us? Yes, but you don't know them the way I do. If they think for one second you're not legit, they will turn on you. And God help you if that happens. That's it. We can't risk it. I'm pulling the plug. No, no. I've never turned down an assignment, and I'm not gonna start now. Just tell me one thing. Have they had their snack?

Big Momma's House 2

Lets get started, people.

Big Momma's House 2

So what brings us here today, O great Safety Eagle? Yeah, well, I'm, uh, here to recruit some junior investigators. Me! Ah, now, I'm not talking about investigating your parents. Although, if your daddy got no job... and wearing a $20,000 Rolex, give us a call. - Hey, Trent. Watching television sure is fun - That guy in the chicken suit? Isn't that your step dad? ...make sure the cord is not torn or frayed.

Big Momma's House 2

No, just juice boxes.

Big Momma's House 2

That leak we had has been fixed. So now that we've dealt with the situation, we can keep moving forward, right?

Big Momma's House 2

Kick me out of my office? Hell, no. Crawford. It was my call. Field agents have priority over P.R. - You gotta be kidding me, Crawford. - Malcolm. Malcolm! Last night Doug Hudson was killed in the line. Yeah.

Big Momma's House 2

So those stories you used to tell me- The things you did, all those guys you put in jail- - You gave it up for this? - No.

Big Momma's House 2

So get this. He's not really 19. - Hmm? - Chad. It's a fake I.D. He told me last night. He said he didn't want any more lies between us. Like his earring? Fake. The three months he said he spent in juvie, he was at math camp. I guess people aren't always what - what you think they are. - Yeah, like you. - Me? Yeah. I didn't think you'd turn out to be such a good friend. Oh.

Big Momma's House 2

Oh, my God. I knew that thong would come in handy.

Big Momma's House 2

Tom, no loose ends.

Big Momma's House 2


Big Momma's House 2

Victoria's Secret models. They shoot the catalog in a studio right down the street. They'll usually parade around naked. If you think about it too much, it can get a little depressing. Some people just ruin it for everybody.

Big Momma's House 2

You know, Big Momma, I was hoping that we could mend our fences. I just wanted to say that I'm very sorry. I was wrong. And I was hoping you would please consider staying here. Well, of course I will. Yes. Sure enough. Id love that.

Big Momma's House 2

Carrie, baby. No, you don't yell out 'bingo' if you don't have it. Bingo people get a little testy. She's just a child, and it won't happen again.

Big Momma's House 2

Come here. Okay, clip the nails. Flush the ears. Bye- bye.

Big Momma's House 2

I guess- I guess I'll be movin' on.

Big Momma's House 2

They're gone. Now I need your help. Um, I got a - I got a blade in my girdle. Wait. Okay, you carry a gun? And you keep a blade in your girdle? What's that about? Um, to protect my virtue. Does it really need that much protecting? Would you just get over here? Come on.

Big Momma's House 2

Who the hell is that? Hey, uh, Constance, give me a close-up. Ooh, hi. I'm Hattie Mae Pierce. But you can call me Big Momma. Everybody calls me Big Momma. Miss... Big Momma? Um, I'm not sure how you found out about this job opening, but unfortunately- - Well, has the position been filled? - Uh, no. Now, that's good equal opportunity. You should know I got Al Sharpton on speed dial. Mm- hmm. Need me to call? Wanna make a call? Hmm? - Want a rally? - Mm-mmm. First, we have Petra. - She studied art in Paris. - Oh. Bonjour. - Hmm. - She speaks four languages, and recently worked... for one of Orange County's most respected families. Unfortunately, they divorced. Oh, child, that divorce wasn't your fault. So what if men like to look at you in your birthday suit? Excuse me? Well, the only way you get a tan like that is by layin' out butt naked. Butterball naked. Hmm? Mrs. Fuller, I can assure you- No, its all right that you wanna be a nudist. Do your nudie thing. All right? It's okay. I'm sure Mrs. Fuller is not intimidated... by a pair of perky Ds. Hmm, Ds. Hmm? Hmm? Oh. Where you goin? Did I say somethin'? Ooh. You don't need nobody like that around your husband anyway. Okay. Um, our next candidate is Isabella. Isabella spent the last few years in the Peace Corps. Wow. That explains it. You-You chasing the dragon? - What? - You firing the 'aack- ack' gun? Child smoking the cheeba? I got two words: roach clip. So you don't burn your fingers. - Can you see that? - I should- I should probably really go.

Big Momma's House 2