No wonder they're such lousy pilots. You can't turn your head, you can't breathe, you can't hear each other!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Hang on!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I hate you. I know.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
She's part of the ship now.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You got everything you need there, pal?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
What's that sound?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Fair and square, baby. Fair and square.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
That's why, baby.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Then why'd you do it?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
How do they breathe in these suits? It's so stuffy!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Does she have sharp teeth?
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Don't fly toward it, Han!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Wait, wait. Come here. Listen to me. You don't understand, okay? I have some very good friends waiting for me at that airfield. They're leaving right now. That's our one way off this mud ball. If you wanna live, we go that way. After that, you go whichever way you want, I don't care! But right now, that's the way you go!
Solo: A Star Wars Story
You fold now, you walk away with enough to get yourself your own little ship. You call, I'm gonna clean you out again.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
He's still out there. Keep looking.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
So what are you gonna do about your little problem? Problem? Uh... Well, that brand on your wrist tells me that you're committed. And that young male's heart fluctuations tell me he's in love with you. Han is not in love with me! Oh, please. It's just us. You don't have to pretend. I'm in the same situation. You are? I'm sure you've noticed that Lando has feelings for me. Which makes working together difficult because I do not feel the same way about him. Right. Yes, yeah. Yeah, I see that. Sometimes, I think... Maybe. But, no. We're just not compatible. How would that work? It works.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Wait. L3's constructing a model of The Maelstrom.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
90 degrees, to the left... ish. Left-ish. I can't. It's taking everything we got to stay out of The Maw. It's pulling us in. We're stuck.