You can play it cool if you want... but when I first walked in, my jaw was on the floor.
The Devil's Advocate
Something's up. They deliberated for 38 minutes.
The Devil's Advocate
Sixty-four straight convictions.
The Devil's Advocate
The Devil's Advocate
Except one. What?
The Devil's Advocate
What a number. I like to be in court. I didn't plea out a lot.
The Devil's Advocate
What do you think? Some people can't handle it. It's peaceful. My sentiments exactly. Ha, ha. So fill in the résumé for me. Tell me... your father, what does he do? I never got to know my father. He passed away before I was born. My mother raised me. Just the two of us. - She never remarried? - She wasn't married the first time. That can't be easy in a town like Gainesville, can it? I don't think it's easy anywhere.
The Devil's Advocate
What's that like? One day you put them away, the next you set them free.
The Devil's Advocate
Good morning, Caprice. Good morning, Mr. Heath. Your messages.
The Devil's Advocate
So they say. It didn't rub off? The Book? The Church? No, I'm on parole. Early release for time served. A lot of potential clients down there. Are we negotiating? Always.
The Devil's Advocate
This is our home office. We have many international arrangements... so Mr. Milton spends a great deal of his time in the air. - Three o'clock, we got the Greeks. - Am I good cop or bad cop? We may not need a good cop. Oh, I love it. In addition to our corporate clients we're representing 25 foreign countries: The Mideast, the Balkans, Central America, West Africa... Interesting work, but travel-intensive.
The Devil's Advocate
Can I ask you a question, then?
The Devil's Advocate
They must want you pretty bad.
The Devil's Advocate
They look real.
The Devil's Advocate
Feel them. Oh, no, it's okay, really. Go ahead. That's the ultimate test. Come on.