He knew exactly where to find Mr. Lou and Vik backstage at the wedding in order to pull off the elephant switcheroo. - But, honey-- - Nick! I'm gonna blow up! With all that expertise... - God, Nick! - [rapid beeping] ...this guy should write a book. - Oh my God, Nick! - [all clamoring] [Audrey screams]
Murder Mystery 2
If I wanted money, don't you think I'd just marry him? Not with that brutal prenup the board had you sign.
Murder Mystery 2
Oh! Perhaps... a mild concussion.
Murder Mystery 2
[beeping] Oh God! [all yelling] [intense rock music playing]
Murder Mystery 2
No, Nick! No, no! No, no, no!
Murder Mystery 2
[Audrey yells, pants]
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Get ready. [Delacroix panting]
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[powering down sound] [all clamoring] - It stopped! - Oh! [sighs] [all laughing]
Murder Mystery 2
He still has the button blaster thingy!
Murder Mystery 2
[bell dings]
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- Come on, baby! - [screams]
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[Vik] Help! Yo, you hatin’ hard on me right now, son! - Homeboy! - [Vik] Nick!
Murder Mystery 2
[Colonel] Lock down the island until the security cameras are back online.
Murder Mystery 2
[boat engine revs] [Vik yelling] Nick! This is some janky-ass shit!
Murder Mystery 2
[Nick] Click it. Click it. We did it.
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[all gasp] [screaming] [clamoring] Brother! Back! Get everybody back! Get everybody back! [guard] Stay back! Vik! - [Nick] Okay, all right. - [Claudette shrieks]
Murder Mystery 2
Where is my husband? [Colonel] We will find him. We will find him. [panting] The Maharajah's been kidnapped. - What? - [Countess] Oh my God! - Where did they take him? - [Nick] He's alive. Somebody with a machine gun threw him on a boat, and they took off. - How many kidnappers? - [Nick] One. Which means his partner is still here on the island. Hold on. How do you know there were two? If the kidnapper had Vik and was taking him to the boat... Ah, someone else was leading the elephant into the tent. - Thank you. - There are 400 people on this island. That's a lot of suspects. Let us narrow it down for you, okay, Colonel? Claudette, how many people knew about the elephant being part of the ceremony? Just the board. Yeah, we had to sign off at the expense of transporting an elephant. So that means all of you. What are you implying? I think it's very obvious what I'm implying. - [Nick] Mm-hmm. - One of you is an accomplice to a murder.