- Great. - We love the boat. - A boat? I mean, this is a ship. - It's beyond. - Never seen anything like this. - Eric Lamonsoff has a boat. We go fishing. He's got a Boston Whaler. This is gigantic. They're my guests, Uncle.
Murder Mystery
- Holy shit! This is incredible! - Thank you. Okay. So the Colonel killed Malcolm and Tobey over lost love. - Got it. Perfect. - This is insane. Will you just say all of that one more time, but can you say it from the top? - I've gotta do a voice memo. - She screws this up a lot. - Just ask Siri. - Swipe it up. - Swipe it up. - I did swipe up. Say, "Siri, I would like to make voice memo."
Murder Mystery
And it left a mark, didn't it?
Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery
Note sender?
Murder Mystery
Oh. He's the eggplant.
Murder Mystery
Malcolm! Oh, God!
Murder Mystery
Impersonating a detective is a crime.
Murder Mystery
Enter the brilliant yet tortured detective, right on cue.
Murder Mystery
My friends, welcome to the Mediterranean Queen. I can't tell you how much it warms my heart that you have made this trip here to celebrate my nuptials. You will find, as you get older, that you begin to take stock of life.
Murder Mystery
Oh, shoot!
Murder Mystery
And I'm not sleeping with the fan on tonight. I hate that sound.
Murder Mystery
I got you into this, I'll help get you out. Come with me.
Murder Mystery
What? No. Now he's making stuff up. TV says you have failed your detective exam many, many times. All right! Enough translato. That's not... You're just improvising, pal, and it's getting weird. What... What is he talking about? I will repeat this message in English.
Murder Mystery
You need to get out of Monte Carlo right away.
Murder Mystery
No, he's... he's a detective.
Murder Mystery
How about, uh, when we went to Virginia when my uncle was in a hospice and we got to see him die? - We did that. - Ugh, Nick. Come on. I'm talking about the postcard. - You don't remember that? - I remember it. Of course I remember it.