Oh, why candy-coat it? - A corpse. - Yeah. There's another corpse? Jeez! Sorry, yes. Upstairs, eighth door on the left.
Murder Mystery
He's doing impressions now.
Murder Mystery
She was the Colonel's fiancée when the bomb exploded.
Murder Mystery
Are you dead?
Murder Mystery
What's up, fools? Okay, we solved the case. Boom. Yo, yo! Where'd you get the clothes? It's a little much.
Murder Mystery
Get into wardrobe. You are in danger. - Get in the wardrobe, you said? - You are in danger. Right now. - Quickly. - Jesus. I don't know... Ow!
Murder Mystery
I'm so sick of you, cop! You should have never come here! You should have just stayed home, eating hot dogs, reading People magazine, and watching reality TV.
Murder Mystery
Let's go. Let's go. I got you. Come on.
Murder Mystery
All right.
Murder Mystery
♪ Shoot to thrill ♪ ♪ Play to kill ♪ ♪ Too many women with too many pills... ♪ Keep going, baby. Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Murder Mystery
Yes! Look how nice you handle this thing!
Murder Mystery
- Holy shit! - Oh, God!
Murder Mystery
You mean the Colonel's, right? The Colonel's secrets? I know, it's so hard to keep secrets. It really is. You know, I have a friend named Gwen, and she has a box that she keeps under her bed... Look, don't give me that hairdresser shit.
Murder Mystery
And when he awoke, he find his eye is not the only thing he lost. They blew off his dick. I knew it. I knew it. - His hand. His hand, honey. - The dick. He's saying the dick. - No, no, no. - He doesn't have a hand! - I'm no talk about dick! - All right.
Murder Mystery
Well, I heard that. I will repeat this message in Spanish. Did you lie to me?
Murder Mystery
This is Japanese Claritin.
Murder Mystery
Okay, so something, something... Something cake. Something's frosted. Okay. You're fired. You're fired. - Okay, I told you... - Excuse me, sir. Could you translate that for us, please? S'il vous plaît?