You shot him! No! I saw someone stab him. - Who? - I don't know. What happened? I heard a scr...
Murder Mystery
Has anybody tried to revive him? He's got a knife plunged in his heart. I don't think he's revivable. Should we pull it out? No. It's a foot-long knife. It's just like pulling...
Murder Mystery
Who are you?
Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery
Nick. - Honey, come on, seriously. - Huh? Who do you think did it?
Murder Mystery
Let me hear it. Oh. We were actually wondering, what exactly is a maharajah? How do you... Do you have to go to a school for that? Yeah, I was born into the game. - Oh, you're born into it. - Okay, born into it.
Murder Mystery
For you.
Murder Mystery
- What? - No. - No, no. - I mean, if you want. - Just met us once. - Yeah, all right. I'm gonna... - I'm Audrey. - ...go again. I'm Nick, and then we're the Spitzes. Juan Carlos, huh? Hey, Juan Carlos. So you're a race car driver.
Murder Mystery
And that's Sergei Radjenko, former Spetsnaz, and his bodyguard.
Murder Mystery
I don't know what else he's expecting her to say to him. She's saying he's a cad...
Murder Mystery
Uh, number one, yes.
Murder Mystery
What's that? That is the Quince dagger. Chinese steel, jewels from across the Orient. A gift to the family from Marco Polo, or so the legend says. God. Nick's grandmother gave us a toaster from Sears. So the legend says.
Murder Mystery
Grace, who shines so brightly on the silver screen.
Murder Mystery
Can I ask you a question? What exactly... is a maharajah? Why don't you ask him yourself? No. Vik, I have some guests I'd like you to meet. Nick and Audrey Spitz, I present the exalted Maharajah Vikram Shivan Govindan of Mumbai. - Oh, my gosh. It's so... - Hey.
Murder Mystery
...and he's saying she's a tramp, and they're both right.
Murder Mystery
Uh, very fast. Very fast. - Huh? Welcome. - Okay.
Murder Mystery
I have thought long and hard about what each of you is truly worth, and I've come to this conclusion.
Murder Mystery
- Tobey. - No. No way. Not a chance. It's too obvious. The most obvious suspect is never, never the killer. The most obvious suspect is always the killer. When a wife gets killed, 90% of the time it was the husband.