Hi. Can I interest you in some unconditional love? - Looking for something to slobber on you? - Can he help me?
No Hard Feelings
Also, it would devastate him, which would defeat the purpose of building up his confidence. Right. Right. He volunteers at the animal shelter from 10 to 6. We thought maybe you could go and act like you want to adopt a dog. And I don't see this happening, but if Percy dates somebody the organic way... - Got it. Better get to work. - [Laird] Yeah. [poignant melody playing on piano]
No Hard Feelings
If he hears the word, he gets triggered. Sorry, Milo. I'm fresh out. [laughs]
No Hard Feelings
Well, he mostly works with the dogs. I deal with the people.
No Hard Feelings
[Percy] It's okay. It's okay. Um... I have to ask you a couple questions just to make sure you're a suitable candidate.
No Hard Feelings
No Hard Feelings
But you have a weird energy. Don't worry, I've been neutered. I want him.
No Hard Feelings
Um, the most messed up is Milo. This is Milo. Um... He's been here the longest.
♪ In the town where I grew up ♪ ♪ I met a girl ♪ ♪ She was lovely enough ♪ ♪ I said to her... ♪
No Hard Feelings
It was in a prickle bush, but I got it. That's incredible.
No Hard Feelings
I just didn't ask anybody. Why? I don't know. I guess, um...
No Hard Feelings
[indistinct chatter]
No Hard Feelings
It's from my garden.
No Hard Feelings
Name your price, Maddie. - It was great catching up, Doug. - Listen, come on. If you don't pay off your lien, the county's gonna fire-sale your house. You'll lose half of what it's worth. Let me list it, you'll get full price. So they can tear this whole thing down? Stay off my yard, Doug.