Your Uber's here. I requested no conversation. Oh, we're talking, buddy. All the way to Princeton. Then I'm gonna call you for my whole drive to California. Tell you about my new boyfriend.
No Hard Feelings
He's a former cop. Okay. He's had some drug addiction in the past. Uh-huh.
No Hard Feelings
No Hard Feelings
I can barely leave my room.
No Hard Feelings
Having Jody in my life helped a lot too.
No Hard Feelings
I had a date, and a dress, and... What happened? It was a long time ago. Who cares?
No Hard Feelings
Well, I've lived in this house my whole life. Really? I did leave once, when I was 18.
No Hard Feelings
This happens sometimes when I get anxious. I know you're really horny. I'm sorry. [sighs] Fuck.
No Hard Feelings
I think you're the... I think you're the prettiest person I've ever seen.
No Hard Feelings
Well, I don't know if you heard, but, uh... [clicking tongue] That's great. Congratulations. - Congratulations. - Thank you. Thank you.
No Hard Feelings
I think it's closed, though. Oh, it's after 8, so...
No Hard Feelings
I'm ugly to you. I knew it. - I knew it. - What? No. - No. - Seems like it. No, I...
No Hard Feelings
These yours? Yeah, no need to fold them. Let's take her clothes. Take her clothes. - Take her fucking clothes. - They're taking our clothes. - Hey, put that back! - Suck my balls! Oh-ho-ho! I'm warning you. Bye, sea bitch. You said nothing bad would happen. - We need to find an adult. - Percy, you're an adult. Where are you going? [chattering] Oh, dude. What the fuck? - Gross, right? - Dude. [girl] It's like nasty. - Wait, are you serious? - We lost one.
No Hard Feelings
I live in Battery Park. Get out.
No Hard Feelings
Oh, look, no swimming.
No Hard Feelings
I don't wanna do that. I just... I don't know why you'd have sex with someone if you don't like them. It was Christmas, I was lonely. I don't know. Why'd you disappear on him? What's with the questions? Can't we just get drunk and have fun? Oh, sorry. Just trying to get to know you.