Computer, Batman's in danger. Please, Computer, take us back! Do you really want the man who made you to come to harm? Batman programmed me to obey him. But he didn't say to not not rescue him. What are they doing? Come on, guys. Let's hustle. Gotham City's not gonna blow itself up.
The Lego Batman Movie
Alfred, put that kid on the next jet to the orphanage.
The Lego Batman Movie
- Hold on! - No! Evil buddies, those are my last three painful reminders of Batman. Run! Come on, Alfred. This way. Wait, where's Dick? The little guy? He's over there. Initializing Batcave operating system. What's he doing? I've gotta save my family! Just think. - What would Batman do? - What? I know. Not listen to anyone else. Be mean to people.
The Lego Batman Movie
You even abandoned your friends. What? Go on, Scuttler. Go. - Batman, no. No! - Don't do this! Abandoned? No. No, I was trying to protect them. By pushing them away? Well, yeah.
The Lego Batman Movie
I call it the Babs-Signal. And I'm flipping the switch for you. Because saving this city is too big a job for one person. Flip, flip.
The Lego Batman Movie
Absolutely not.
The Lego Batman Movie
- Whoa! - We saw your signal, and we came to help.
The Lego Batman Movie
So I came back to do this.
The Lego Batman Movie
Madam Mayor! Thanks for dropping by. I've only got one thing to say to you, Joker. Well, you better make it fast. Do you like to gamble? Oh, I certainly do. Do you ever play roulette? On occasion. Well, let me give you a word of advice. I'm all ears. When playing roulette... Yes? ...always bet on black. Batman? What are you doing? You're completely outnumbered here! Are you nuts? You wanna get nuts? Come on! Let's get nuts!
The Lego Batman Movie
- Who's the manliest man? - Ugh! Batman! - With the buns of steel? - Batman! 'Puter. - Who could choke-hold a bear? - Batman! - Who never skips leg day? - Batman! Who always pays their taxes? Not Batman How is he beating all of you again?
The Lego Batman Movie
Da-Na, da-Na, da-Na, da-Na Batman! You think my muscles are big? Thank you.
The Lego Batman Movie
'Puter, where's the bomb? The bomb is located at the base of the energy core.
The Lego Batman Movie
Hi, Batman! So weird to keep running into you. Batman!
The Lego Batman Movie
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
The Lego Batman Movie
Stop him before he starts singing!
The Lego Batman Movie
I love it.
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
Well, I don't wanna scare any small children who may be listening, but it's a little-known fact that Gotham City is built on a bunch of flimsy plates stuck together. There's literally nothing beneath us, except an infinite abyss that smells like dirty underwear. If Joker's bomb were to go off, these plates would break apart, plunging every Gotham citizen into the eternal abyss forever. And you wouldn't want that, now would you? Now get me the mayor! Joker out! Madam Mayor, I cannot ask you to do this! - Jim, did you find Batman? - No, ma'am. Then we have no choice. The Joker has the upper hand. We have to surrender Gotham City. Oh, no. I'm sorry!