Look, everyone, it's nice here, I admit. But we need to go home. We can have a whole new life here, Woody. A chance to make kids happy again. - Why don't you stay? - Yeah, Woody. Stay with us. - Come on, Woodster! - You'll get played with. - I can't. No. - Stay here. - You can make a new kid happy. - No, no. Guys, really. No! I have a kid. You have a kid. Andy! And if he wants us at college, or in the attic, well, then, our job is to be there for him.
Toy Story 3
Someone need a hand?
Toy Story 3
- Well, Stretch takes the round. - You lost! Okay, minimum bet, five Monopoly.
Toy Story 3
- Lotso, there's been a mistake. - A mistake? The children in the Caterpillar Room are not age-appropriate for me and my friends. We respectfully request a transfer to the Butterfly Room. Well, request granted! - But, Lotso... - Hush now, Kenneth. This toy's shown initiative, leadership. Why, I 'd say we've found ourselves a keeper.
Toy Story 3
My name's Buttercup. You've met Baron von Shush. Hello, I 'm Trixie.
Toy Story 3
Blast. Try that one.
Toy Story 3
He got out, Lotso.
Toy Story 3
Bring in the Bookworm.
Toy Story 3
What's wrong?
Toy Story 3
Take him to the libary. No!
Toy Story 3
You got a full day of playtime tomorrow.
Toy Story 3
Target is on approach. Just like we rehearsed it, guys.
Toy Story 3
- Look how tall you're getting. - Yeah!
Toy Story 3
Okay, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position. Wait! I can't find my other eye. - All right, whose foot's in my face? - It's mine. Give it back. You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.