'Sup, Joker? Namaste, Batman. - Namaste. - Gross. Ooh. Briefs man. Me, too. Cut the baloney. Kid, guard the door, will ya? On it! Take that, Alan!
The Lego Batman Movie
Freeze, Batman! Hey, kid. This is a training exercise. These guys are my bros. - Go ahead and take a couple of them out. - Cool! - Hey, Frank. - You want a piece of Robin? - Barney! Nice compound fracture! - How'd you like a punch, Glen?
The Lego Batman Movie
Sorry, kid. That's okay, ma'am. As long as I'm doing a dime in the big house with my old man, everything's gonna be A-okay. Officers, take this Projector to the evidence room. - You got it. - And get this man some pants. I'm good the way I am. B Go, why has nobody fist bumped me yet?
The Lego Batman Movie
- Come on, Batman! - No!
The Lego Batman Movie
- That is a hard pass. - Come on. No! Let the kid play whatever music he wants.
The Lego Batman Movie
Come on, everyone!
The Lego Batman Movie
Wow, that was fun! Really hope nobody was recording that. Let me see. Oh, this thing is on. This thing is recording.
The Lego Batman Movie
Really, it's kind of a stroke of genius. All the... Hey, where are you going? I just put Joker in the one place he can't do anyone any harm. Yeah.
The Lego Batman Movie
Smash! Smash! Smash!
The Lego Batman Movie
Robin, get ready. I'm about to teach you some father-and-son stuff.
The Lego Batman Movie
You just got Union Jacked!
The Lego Batman Movie
Yes! Yes! Yes!
The Lego Batman Movie
Stop with the violence for just a second! What if I told you I could get you outta here?
The Lego Batman Movie
Team Gotham Family, activate! Voldy's got this.
The Lego Batman Movie
I think you're underestimating the importance of the Joker being in the Phantom Zone.