Wait a minute. You mean, without you, Alfred would have been street meat? Batman, trust us. We can do this. - Yeah. I know Gymkata. - Sorry, what's that? It's a gymnastics-based martial art.
The Lego Batman Movie
Ooh. Arkham Asylum. - So, before we question the Joker... - Uh-huh. ...I'm gonna need you to hand over all your weapons. I mean, I don't know if I have anything... Oh!
The Lego Batman Movie
Say goodbye, Gotham City!
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
Okay. Sure, sure, sure. Hey, listen. Thank me later, but I just happened to be in the hood. And I figured that you could probably use the...
The Lego Batman Movie
We have to stick together.
The Lego Batman Movie
Hi, Bats. What have you done to my... Bruce Wayne's house? You'd better hope he's a cool guy and doesn't go crazy. What happened to all your friends? I don't need friends. I don't need anyone to stop you.
The Lego Batman Movie
Now! Barbara, dive bomb!
The Lego Batman Movie
Fine. 'Puter.
The Lego Batman Movie
Hold on, Alfred. I'm almost there!
The Lego Batman Movie
Oof! You even sound like a bad guy. I swear, I am a good guy. Okay, Mr. Batman. Hold still while I scan you.
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
Get off my padre!
The Lego Batman Movie
Batrope, no! Everybody, run! No! We have to stick together. Right, Batman? We need to use our heads! Maybe we should build something together. - Heads. - Stick together. - Build something. - Together. - Build. - Together. Together. We should build something together.
The Lego Batman Movie
You're the reason why I get up at 4:00 in the afternoon and pump iron until my chest is positively sick.
The Lego Batman Movie
We're not doomed. I got this.
The Lego Batman Movie
This is the end of Gotham City!
The Lego Batman Movie
You're the reason I've given up a life spent with Russian ballerinas and lady activewear models. And if it wasn't for you, I never would have learned how connected I am with all these people.