'Cause I just wrote a song about how I'm gonna kick all your butts!
The Lego Batman Movie
Hey, there. Look at you. - Who's this? - Hi, police lady. - Is that your son? - Yes, I am. Is that my son... No, that's just weird. It's weirder if it's not your son. Right. No, I don't...
The Lego Batman Movie
White. All important movies end with a white screen.
The Lego Batman Movie
Huh. Looks like you're going to a lot of trouble for little old me. I must be your greatest enemy after all. Right, Batman? - I see what you're trying to do. - And what is that? You're trying to entrap me into a relationship. - Really? - Yeah, and it's not gonna work. Oh, yes, it is. Because I'm inside your head.
The Lego Batman Movie
You can't be a hero if you only care about yourself.
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
But you're not who I thought you were.
The Lego Batman Movie
Uh... What do you mean?
The Lego Batman Movie
- Uh-oh. - What do we have here, Batman? It looks like a bunch of relationship comedies. - What's that one? - Must Love Dogs. Must love crying. - Marley & Me. - I love the ending. Oh! Serendipity? We have Serendipity? I love that movie! For a loner, Batman, you sure like movies about relationships! Oh! And look what else I found!
The Lego Batman Movie
Hey, Batman! Joker's home. I'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff. We're going to have to rename this the Butt-mobile.
The Lego Batman Movie
Whoa! Look at this place! Am I being too loud?
The Lego Batman Movie
The Lego Batman Movie
Commissioner Gordon, these monsters, they're too powerful.
The Lego Batman Movie
- Hey, 'Puter. - Yes? Initialize masterbuild music. Right away.
The Lego Batman Movie
Well, hello!
The Lego Batman Movie
The greatest villains you'll ever see. You wanna meet them?
The Lego Batman Movie
Hang on a second. - Nice and close! - I gotta get my pump on. - It's worth it. - Okay, everybody in? These abs are no fluke. Everyone say, "Bat Family!" Bat Family!
The Lego Batman Movie
I think I'll need snowshoes. Yeah, I don't think you'll need snowshoes, but could you grab that flashlight? - Batman? - Padre? Sir? What are you doing? Hey, Batman. Please, wait! 'Puter.