Are you all right? - Let's see. - It's not bad. - Freeze! - Oh, dear. Don't move. - I love you. - I know. Hands up.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
I see you have constructed a new lightsabre. Your skills are complete. Indeed you are powerful, as the emperor has foreseen.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
"Hello," I think. I could be mistaken- they're using a very primitive dialect- but I do believe they think I am some sort of god. Why don't you use your divine influence and get us out of this? I beg your pardon, General Solo, but that just wouldn't be proper. Proper? It's against my programming to impersonate a deity. Why, you- My mistake.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Well, I suppose I could hot-wire this thing. I'll cover you.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Well, looks like I'm stuck here.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
The security deflector shield will be deactivated... when we have confirmation of your code transmission. Stand by.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Oh, my.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Stand up.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Greetings, Exalted One. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi knight and friend to Captain Solo.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
That was why you couldn't destroy me.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
That's why you won't bring me to your emperor now.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
- That's one. - General, count me in. I'm with you too.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
R2, wait.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
I hope she's all right.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
That's right. Come on.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Back door, huh? Good idea.
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
As you can see, my young apprentice... your friends have failed. Now witness the firepower... of this fully armed and operational battle station. Fire at will, Commander. Fire.