Found 867 results
-How is he? -He's okay. He's in the back.
The Godfather Part II
Freddy, it's good to see you.
The Godfather Part II
Girls, take a hike.
The Godfather Part II
In this room here.
The Godfather Part II
Here's six months increase in advance.
The Godfather Part II
Five bucks.
The Godfather Part II
What can I do for you, Don Roberto?
The Godfather Part II
Don't you know me? Don't you know that that's an impossibility? That I'd use all my power to keep that from happening?
The Godfather Part II
Why don't you take the kids back to their room? -Michael, you haven't heard me. -Kay, what do you want from me?
The Godfather Part II
We're leaving tomorrow.
The Godfather Part II
Louder, I don't hear so good. My father's name was Antonio Andolini... ...and this is for you!
The Godfather Part II
And what's your father's name? His name was...Antonio Andolini.
The Godfather Part II
My respects, Don Ciccio. Give me your blessing.
The Godfather Part II
You took the name of this town!
The Godfather Part II
Michael, say goodbye.
The Godfather Part II
What's your name?
The Godfather Part II
Bless you!
The Godfather Part II
I give you complete power. Over Fredo and his men. Rocco, Neri, everyone.
The Godfather Part II