People don't see the real you when you're royalty.
Of all the places you've shown me, this is by far the most beautiful.
Whoa. Hey, kid, okay. I can't get you out of this unless you make a wish! You have to make a wish! Come on, wake up! Okay, try and form the words "I wish." Kid, come on, wake up! Wake up. You need to think. Think, think.
It's them, the people. They make it beautiful. And they deserve a leader who knows that. I don't know why I think it could be me. Because it should be you.
You can't wish for more wishes. Three is enough. Now, I can't make anybody love anybody or bring anybody back from the dead. Feel free to interrupt me anytime you don't understand. I'm kidding, don't ever interrupt me, no matter what. Now, I usually don't have to go through all of this... because by the time the guy gets to me, he pretty much knows what he wants... and it generally has to do with tons of money and power!