I'm very concerned about the woman you attended to today. - I am too. - Has her pain abated? We're doing what we can for her, but, uh, it's not looking very good. - I'm sorry to hear that. - Yeah. Who are we talking about? But I know she's grateful for the care you're giving her. Is this a state secret? No, we're talking about a patient of mine, 'cause... Uh-huh. Joe stopped by the hospital today. He did? That's more than we get to do. Maybe next time you go to the hospital, you'll take us along with you. - Perhaps you could remind me. - Well, I'll make a note of it. - Anything else I can do for you? - I wanna come along too. - See Susie strut her stuff. - You're on, Quincie. Destination, hospital. Joe, you can be the tour guide, okay?
Meet Joe Black
I don't like the way he spoke to you. But I feel better now because of the way you spoke back.
Meet Joe Black
'Cause I like the way he looks and talks to me. And vice versa.
Meet Joe Black
Susan's a wonderful doctor. I'm sure she is.
Meet Joe Black
In this crisis, and be assured... this is a crisis, it's not pleasant to say the following. But I would be remiss if I did not. When we present Bill with the improved Bontecou offer, and if he still refuses to let us consider it, once more makes an adamant or emotional rejection, we will have no choice but to... You're taking this too far, Drew.
Meet Joe Black
I don't think this is the lightning you're looking for. I mean, Drew is a good man. I know I didn't seem to be completely in his corner before, but, uh, I've come to appreciate that, um... Now we love Drew? And Joe doesn't measure up? - What's going on? - Nothing. When you say "nothing" that way, it is not nothing. - Then what is it? - It's something.
Meet Joe Black
I know you're all as uncomfortable as I am to be meeting like this. But I got a call last night from John Bontecou. Not only is he still interested, he's sweetening his offer.
Meet Joe Black
- That was wonderful. - Mmm. - It's good to get together. - Mm-hmm.
Meet Joe Black
Meet Joe Black
Where are you going? To bed. - To bed? - Yes. I'm tired.
Meet Joe Black
So, tell me, Joe... How come a man as attractive, intelligent, well-spoken... diffident in the most seductive way, and yet... powerful... is all alone in this world?
Meet Joe Black
- That is the way you want it, isn't it? - Yes, thank you.
Meet Joe Black
- So you're married? - No, I'm not.
Meet Joe Black
You're not going to tell me?
Meet Joe Black
I'm s... I didn't... mean to pry, and, uh, you obviously don't want to tell me, so we'll just...
Meet Joe Black
- ~ Dum-da-dum ~ - What's this? - Um, Annie made them. - Who's Annie? Thank you, Lillian. From La Rosette? She's only the most famous pastry chef in America. Um, this is orange, made with real Seville oranges. And, uh, that's lemon on a mille-feuille crust. I don't like cake. It's for the party, Dad. Ah. The goddamn party. The goddamn party. Mm-hmm. - Did you hear that? - I'm sorry.