Then don't. Here's another possibility. It's a little last minute, but tell me what you think. Kaleidoscopes.
Meet Joe Black
- Forgive me for being so rude. - Certainly. Hi, everybody. I'm sorry I'm late. I had to have dinner with my department chief. You ate? I'm here, aren't I? I wouldn't miss a loose ends meeting. What's on the table for discussion? Party favors, flowers... - Hi, Dad. - Hi. - Hello. - Hi, Drew.
Meet Joe Black
You like it? Well, I would say, in my opinion, it's right up there with Jif and Skippy. Could I offer you a taste, sir?
Meet Joe Black
Meet Joe Black
There's something so indescribably sexy... about you standing in the middle of a crowd. I could make love to you right here.
Meet Joe Black
What are you doing here? You know each other?
Meet Joe Black
I'm still here.
Meet Joe Black
- Why'd you go to the hospital? - I don't know. - You just curious? - I guess. About Susan? - I wouldn't put it that way. - How would you put it?
Meet Joe Black
Meet Joe Black
Now, look, I know you're down. But you know, when you're down, there's no place to go but up. Up. Thanks, Quince. Forget about Bontecou. I got a couple other merger possibilities up my sleeve, and I'm pitching 'em to the old man. - Were you? - Yeah. - Hey, listen. - Mm-hmm. We're gonna go in together. I'll clue you in. The timing has gotta be right, because the old man says it's up to Joe.
Meet Joe Black
Hello, Bill.
Meet Joe Black
I'm not a dream.
Meet Joe Black
- You tell me, Bill. - No, how about you telling me? I ask a simple question; I expect a straight answer. That's what I'm used to. Anybody who doesn't give it to me, I fire.
Meet Joe Black
I realize now my being here, uh, is not quite appropriate. Oh, no, please... Please don't apologize.
Meet Joe Black
What did you do? - You've gotten the old man fired. - That we did. Thanks to you. He was wobbling, mind you, but you supplied the coup de gr�ce. I'm gonna put a stop to this. Quince, you can't unscramble scrambled eggs. I- I didn't mean to do this. Train's left the station, pal, and you're aboard.