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Even before you die, you just stop living, and it's all one fucked-up facsimile of the real thing.

Dirty Grandpa

- He let me stroke it. - Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on! He's talking about a pee... A bee. - A little stuffed bee. - What bee? There was a bee here, man! It was so soft. He let me kiss it. No, I did not let you kiss it! What are you talking about? - He did not even... Ahh! - You're fucking dead! Dad, that was cool! Oh, shit!

Dirty Grandpa

Seems to me like you're running from something. Come on, haven't you had to make sacrifices to get where you are as a photographer? I mean, yeah, but... That's different.

Dirty Grandpa

Aren't you supposed to graduate next weekend? Yeah.

Dirty Grandpa

We have to go back. Yeah. I know.

Dirty Grandpa

Well, in case you forgot, I don't even have underwear, from last night. All right, just put them on. I'll turn around.

Dirty Grandpa

"De Oppresso Liber." It's written on your knife too. What does that mean? Hey, lights out after 12:00, boys. I better not catch you swimming across the lake to the girls' camp, okay? - Night. - Good night.

Dirty Grandpa

It's not fair to just keep Shadia in the dark like this. Since we started this, it's just been one big lie. She has no idea who I am. I have to tell her the truth. Well, maybe telling her tonight is a little abrupt. The most important part of a relationship is trust. - That's right. - And I'm going to start now. Or you can just wait till I have sex with Lenore tonight, then you can tell Shadia everything. - No. I'm just lying. - Jason, I'm your grandfather! You wait till I fuck that college girl! - I'm telling her now. - Jason... Jason! Jason!

Dirty Grandpa

It's too bad Lenore barfed all over herself tonight. I definitely could have had sex with her. Yup. I probably could have still had sex if she just threw up on her front, but she somehow got it all over her back, and I would have felt bad. Well, chivalry isn't dead. I like the way you took that haymaker tonight. Sometimes you just gotta take that punch up front, you know? Then things get easier in the long run.

Dirty Grandpa

She was always surprising me like that.

Dirty Grandpa

Hey. Wait, just calm down. - What? - Shit. Yeah, we'll be right there. - What's going on? - We gotta go. And then I came back from the bathroom and all those black guys from the club were, like, standing around Lenore and Dr. Richards and they were yelling at them and threatening them and they, like, kidnapped them! - And I think one of them had a gun! - Did you see where they took them? No. Those guys are staying at The Tillman. That's all I know. - Okay. - Come on! - Come on! - Shit! What? - I smell marijuana. - Mmm-hmm.

Dirty Grandpa

First of all, nobody wears a fucking white belt. The only people who wear white belts are people who suck at karate and people who suck at life. Take the fucking belt off. And you better lose that fucking white polo shirt and those pleated khaki pants. You're meeting up with girls, not blowing an oil executive on a fucking golf course. Put these on.

Dirty Grandpa

Oh, my God, I love this song!

Dirty Grandpa

That's good to know. You're lucky you're not your dad. He's got his mom's dick. What the fuck? Now put your pants on.

Dirty Grandpa

You know, maybe I'll find something to do with Shadia tomorrow and give you and Lenore a little more alone time.

Dirty Grandpa

Get out of here before I use my other arm.

Dirty Grandpa

Game on. Hey! Glad you guys made it. - Let's all get fucked up. Right? - My step dad hates me! Let's go!

Dirty Grandpa

Okay. They're in the hospital till tomorrow! The room's ours for the night. Look at these fucking people. How was brunch at Hitler's house that day? Hey, Grandpa, who else in our family knows that you were, uh, Special Forces or whatever? No one, once your grandmother passed. Your father stopped talking to me before my missions were declassified. So he always thought I was just an army mechanic. But don't you think that you guys would get along a little better if you told him?

Dirty Grandpa