Mario and Luigi before Thelma & Louise-ee. Bert and Ernie before squirtin' spermy. Man purses before regular purses. Makes sense. Yeah. Okay. It does. Sports before genital warts... No, fuckin'. That's bad. That was a little weird. I'm fading a little bit. John Madden before...
All right, balls before dolls. Compadres before I sleep with tu madres. Brad Pitt before grab clit. Deez nuts before skinny sluts. Masturbate before I ask her to date. Beef stew before watching The View. Male erection before One Direction.
Please don't put us on probation. What about the end-of-the-year bash, Teddy? I mean, we have to get on the wall, plus we bought the kegs. What, is she gonna reimburse us for those kegs? Are you gonna reimburse us for those kegs? No. Scoonie. Not now.
You know what? That's it. That's two strikes. You're on probation until the end of the year. Okay? You so much as throw a party, generate a noise complaint, or end up on any sort of headline, and you are out.
Holy shit. I'm just kidding. Sort of. What's up, man? Thanks for missing our meeting, Mr. VP. I had this job interview, so...