Now, if we can enrich these amounts, - we need a way to detonate them. - (paper tearing) Are we boring you, Edward? TELLER: A little bit, yes. May I ask why? TELLER: We all entered this room knowing a fission bomb was possible. How 'bout we leave it with something new? Such as? Instead of uranium or plutonium, we use hydrogen. (others murmur and laugh) - TELLER: Heavy hydrogen. - FEYNMAN: Hydrogen. Deuterium. You see? We compact the atoms together under great pressure to induce a fusion reaction.
You're married to Dr. Harrison. Not very.
WOMAN: I got it, it's all right. (mellow music playing)
Thank you. I've been asked to testify about Lewis Strauss. A man who has given years of service in high positions of government and who is known to be earnest, hardworking and intelligent.
Let me make this simple for you, gentlemen. According to my intelligence, which I cannot share with you, the Japanese people will not surrender under any circumstances short of a successful and total invasion of the home islands. Many lives will be lost, American and Japanese. The use of the atomic bomb on Japanese cities will save lives. If we retain moral advantage. - How so? - Well, if we use this weapon without informing our allies, they'll see it as a threat. And we'll be in an arms race. How open can we be with the Soviets? BUSH: Secrecy won't stop the Soviets from becoming part of the atomic world. We've been told they have no uranium. You've been misinformed. A Russian bomb is a matter of time. The program needs to continue at full pace after the war. Uh, Secretary Stimson, if I may... Not all scientists on the project are in agreement. In fact, this might be a moment to consider other opinions. - If you talk a scientist in... - GROVES: The Manhattan Project has been plagued from the start by certain scientists of doubtful discretion and uncertain loyalty. One of them just tried to meet with the president. Now, we need these men, but as soon as it's practical, we should sever any such scientists from the program. Wouldn't you agree, Doctor?
(unsettling music continues)
You're a long way from Chicago, Leo. If we don't act now, they're going to use this thing against Japan. We booked a meeting with Truman, but somebody killed it. You're meeting the Secretary of War. Just because we're building it, doesn't mean we get to decide how it's used. History will judge us, Robert. In Chicago, we put together a petition. I'm not... I'm not getting into that. (clattering) (sighs)
(thunder rumbling)
I'm just not sure you want to go down this road. Lewis, with respect, we are the advisory committee, we will give them our advice. STRAUSS: Good night.
I'm gonna head to base camp. Best of luck.
Useless in the lab. (glass shattering)
In a great number of cases, I have seen Dr. Oppenheimer act in a way which was to me exceedingly hard to understand. I thoroughly disagreed with him in numerous issues, and his actions frankly appeared to me confused and complicated. To this extent, I feel, I want to see the vital interest of this country in hands which I understand better and therefore trust more. - MORGAN: Thank you, Doctor. - ROBB: Thank you.
I'll send a message.
But they died anyway.
- How'd I do? - MAN: I'll call recess, ten minutes. Maybe a little too well, Robert. That was six years ago. You know, the truly vindictive, patient as saints. Strauss has been perfectly clear that he is neutral. - (glass shatters) - Wake up. It is Strauss. It's always been Strauss, and you know it. Why won't you fight him?
(clicks tongue) Come.
Joe got himself killed first time he popped his head out of the trench.
However, in the light of your continuing associations and disregard for the security apparatus of this country, together with your somewhat disturbing conduct on the hydrogen bomb program and the regrettable lack of candor in certain of your responses to this board, we have voted two to one to deny the renewal of your security clearance. A full written opinion, with a dissent from Mr. Evans, will be issued to the AEC in the coming days. That is all.