Call trace is ready. Kidnappers should be calling in any minute. If you'll excuse me, I have a job to do. - Okay, so listen. - [Audrey] Yes, honey. We got good cheese. We got free iPhones. I'm happy with everything. Where are you going? Did you hear what that guy just said about us? - [Nick] Yeah. - None of that's true! We need to show those people what Nick and Audrey Spitz are all about. The guy's good! I don't think he needs us. - Nick. Audrey. - [both] What? The kidnapper says he'll only talk to the man he shot at. They need us. All right. They need us. - Let's go! - Let's go! [dramatic music playing]
Murder Mystery 2
Murder Mystery 2
Murder Mystery 2
[Audrey yells]
Murder Mystery 2
Murder Mystery 2
- [groans] - [whimpering]
Murder Mystery 2
["King Dee Wedding" begins to play]
Murder Mystery 2
[Audrey yelps]
Murder Mystery 2
Oh shit. Get in the van. We'll give you the money in exchange for the Maharajah. He's not far. Get in the van. - Don't get in the van! - [Claudette speaking French] - That wasn't part of the deal. - Number three. Don't get in the van. Get in the van, or I'll shoot you both in the stomach, take you to the countryside, and feed you to the swine. - Okay. Let's get in the van. - Okay, okay, okay. Okay, sorry. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Murder Mystery 2
Murder Mystery 2
Do you know any couples who also work together that actually get along?
Murder Mystery 2
Murder Mystery 2
[Audrey] What was that? What?
Murder Mystery 2
This goes wherever we go now. You understand? I don't know where the-- - No! - What happened? - Hello? We're offline? Stand by. Take us to the Maharajah now. What do you think of that? Chop off his hand. - Chop off my hand? - What? - [kidnapper] Yes! - No! Hatchet! - Find the key. - I do know where the key is. - Look in here. - No, no, no. Shoot. - Shoot, I can't find it. - Check your other pockets! Son of a gun! I can't seem to pull the trigger on finding the key. - [Audrey] What are you talking about? - Your gun! Shoot this asshole!