STAKAR: After going around years in circles... with this woman I end up marrying. I said, "Aleta, I love you, girl... "but you're losing your mind!" Then again, she's always been that way. I could never trust her. You know? Stakar.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
After all this time, you're gonna show up, and all of a sudden... you wanna be my dad? GAMORA: I hear you. QUILL: And by the way, this could be a trap. The Kree purists, the Ravagers... they all want us dead. I know, but... But what? What was that story you told me about Zardu Hasselfrau? Who? He owned a magic boat? David Hasselhoff? Right. Not a magic boat. A talking car. Why did he talk again? To help him fight crime, and to be supportive. As a child, you would carry his picture in your pocket... and you would tell all the other children... that he was your father, but that he was out of town. Shooting Knight Rider or touring with his band in Germany. I told you that when I was drunk. Why are you bringing that up now? I love that story. I hate that story. It's so sad!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Well, I'll tell you why. Because I was a skinny little kid who could squeeze into places adults couldn't. It made it easier for thievin'. Well, I've been trying to track you down ever since. DRAX: I thought Yondu was your father. What? We've been together this whole time... and you thought Yondu was my actual blood relative? You look exactly alike. One's blue! No, he's not my father! Yondu was the guy who abducted me... kicked the crap out of me so I could learn to fight... and kept me in terror by threatening to eat me. Eat you? Yeah. Oh, that son of a bitch. How'd you locate us now?
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
I am Mantis.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Yondu! No! No!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
QUILL: I told Gamora... how when I was a kid I used to pretend David Hasselhoff was my dad. He's a singer and actor from Earth, really famous guy. Earlier, it struck me... Yondu didn't have a talking car, but he did have a flying arrow. He didn't have the beautiful voice of an angel... but he did have the whistle of one. Both Yondu and David Hasselhoff went on kick-ass adventures... and hooked up with hot women... and fought robots. I guess David Hasselhoff did kind of end up being my dad after all. Only it was you, Yondu. I had a pretty cool dad. What I'm trying to say here is... sometimes that thing you're searching for your whole life... it's right there by your side all along. You don't even know it.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
If he ends up being evil... we will just kill him.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
You will always be my sister.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
I am Groot.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Bye, twig.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
You need to give me this.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Come now, Peter. I know this isn't what you want.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
EGO: Soon, Peter, we will be all there is. So stop pissing me off!