- And then you're never gonna leave me. - North Korea's in the Olympics, right? I bet they have an office to communicate with the Olympic Committee... so there's probably some infrastructure for communicating through that. - Those wheels are turning. - If I leave a message for that office... then maybe, if they're a fan, that can actually work. We could interview the most famous man on the planet. Guys, some pictures just came out... where it looks like McConaughey's fucking a goat. - McConaughey goat fuck? - McConaughey goat fuck.
The Interview
Making you my little Korean bitch!
The Interview
Oh, no.
The Interview
No! Whoa! No! - No hands. - No hands? I'm not into handsy shit. That's how I like it.
The Interview
They call me incompetent. That's what they said about me when I scored this interview! - No way! - They said, "Dave Skylark is stupid... and incompetent." You're handsome, competent, suave. How dare they? I pretend like their insults don't get to me.
The Interview
Good morning, Dave.
The Interview
That is fucked up. Yeah, tell me about it. Jordan!
The Interview
That our luxurious lifestyles turned us into homosexuals.
The Interview
- You said no hands! - You hit me with your hand! How do I get it off?! Use your big, fat American teeth. Okay! I will! This is awesome. Yeah!
The Interview
Oh, shit. Oh, no. Oh, no.
The Interview
ETA to launch zone: 20 minutes.
The Interview
- It has night vision. - They have night vision? That tiger has night-vision goggles?! It doesn't have night-vision goggles. It naturally has night... - What is this, some futuristic nightmare? - Just keep the line clear.
The Interview
If a billion people across the earth and in my own country... must be burned to prove it... then my worthiness as a Kim... will be demonstrated!
The Interview
What am I to do when my father's dying wish was for me to carry his torch?
The Interview
Balls to the wall!
The Interview
Ever since I saw you, this is all I've been thinking about. Me too!
The Interview
I'm happy to have met you, Aaron.
The Interview
Your attendance is required in the banquet room of the Eternal Leader. - Hey, how you doing? - Yeah, seriously. You look fantastic. Your obsession with my well-being is only making me more suspicious of you. Don't be suspicious. - I want to know what your routine is. - Do you take vitamins? - You're doing something right. - You look good. Do not ask us any more question. Meet us in the banquet hall.