That way. It's an old mining tunnel. - Holy shit, where does that go? - West. Away from Pyongyang. Keep moving until you reach the coast. I wish you both luck. You sound like you're not coming with us. - I have to go to Pyongyang. - Right back into the snake pit! I can't leave North Korea. I just helped plunge it into chaos! So did we. I'm okay with leaving. I have to ensure that the power does not transfer to the wrong hands. I can't deny that we have chemistry.
The Interview
Does this thing still run?
The Interview
To those who seek to undermine me, at home and abroad...
The Interview
- I can't do it without you. - Okay. Come with me to Mordor.
The Interview
- Man. - Which Way's the coast? I have no idea. Does that do something? - Dogs always run to the sea. - Not true. - You gotta find the sea. - That's not gonna happen. Shit. - Shit, shit, shit! - Protect the puppy! Stop! It's them!
The Interview
- Your gum taste like shit. - Okay.
The Interview
What's that noise? - I don't know. Yeah. - Do you hear that?
The Interview
Good evening. I'm Phillip Sterling with a UBS News special report.
The Interview
They could be recording? - Oh, the thing. - The thing. Okay.
The Interview
Hello? Hello? Who this? - I am trying to reach Aaron Rapaport. - You got Aaron Rapaport. Who this is? You left word with our office regarding an interview. Look, Dave, is this you? Because if it is, you're doing a terrible Asian accent. Me so sorry. Me gots to go now, son. I am from the office of Sook-yin Park... Secretary of Communications for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Oh, my God.
The Interview
They call me incompetent. That's what they said about me when I scored this interview! - No way! - They said, "Dave Skylark is stupid... and incompetent." You're handsome, competent, suave. How dare they? I pretend like their insults don't get to me.
The Interview
- Keep me on the air as long as you can. - I will, man.
The Interview
Excuse me. Can I get in there? Thank you. Hi there.
The Interview
Please, take this printed copy of the questions. It's crucial Dave review them. Officers Koh and Yu will now take you to your room for lunch. Come, American. Time to get even fatter. Great. Thanks, guys.
The Interview
And did you just say "dong"?
The Interview
- Who you calling ign'ant? - You, motherfucker. You're fucking arrogant! Everything he's shown you is fake. He's shown you what you wanna see. He's fooled you, you fucking idiot! God, look how ready you are to betray me. This whole time, I thought you were Samwise to my Frodo. But you're just Boromir. I don't know who that is. That's such a Boromir thing to say! This is fucking done. You are fucking done after this. Once you kill this motherfucker, this shit's over. - You are going to kill him! - You've turned me into a gun. And you're pointing me at the one guy who gets me. Well, you know what, cowboy?